Books about Human-alien encounters -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
Under the Skin Leslie Perri 145 downloads
Mind Worms Moses Schere 145 downloads
The price of eggs Randall Garrett 144 downloads
Peril of the Blue World Robert Abernathy 144 downloads
The Fool David Mason 144 downloads
Grounded William Sambrot 144 downloads
Needler Randall Garrett 144 downloads
Citadel of the Star Lords Edmond Hamilton 143 downloads
Round-Up Time Chester Cohen 143 downloads
Combatman John Massie Davis 143 downloads
The Venus Evil Chester S. Geier 143 downloads
Crisis on Titan James R. Adams 143 downloads
The Vibration Wasps Frank Belknap Long 142 downloads
The Best of Fences Randall Garrett 142 downloads
Membership Drive Murray F. Yaco 142 downloads
Child of the Sun Leigh Brackett 142 downloads
The Thought-Men of Mercury R. R. Winterbotham 141 downloads
Birthright April Smith 141 downloads
The Lights on Precipice Peak Stephen Tall 141 downloads
Ultimatum Roger D. Aycock 141 downloads
Planet of No-Return Wilbur S. Peacock 140 downloads
The Mercurian Frank Belknap Long 140 downloads
The Serpent River Don Wilcox 140 downloads
Founding Father Jesse F. Bone 140 downloads
The guest rites Robert Silverberg 140 downloads