Books about Human-alien encounters -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
World in a Mirror Albert Teichner 108 downloads
Arcturus Times Three Jack Sharkey 108 downloads
Oh Mesmerist From Mimas! Roger D. Aycock 107 downloads
The Good Seed Mack Reynolds 107 downloads
Monster of the Asteroid Ray Cummings 107 downloads
Fine Feathers George O. Smith 107 downloads
Get Out of My Body! Tom W. Harris 107 downloads
Amateur in Chancery George O. Smith 106 downloads
Trouble on Tycho Nelson S. Bond 106 downloads
Proktols of Neptune Henry Hasse 106 downloads
The Lunarian Professor and His Remarkable Revelations Concerning the Earth, the Moon and Mars James B. Alexander 106 downloads
The Victory of Klon Wilbur S. Peacock 105 downloads
Export Commodity Irving E. Cox 105 downloads
Jabberwock, Beware! Richard A. Sternbach 104 downloads
The Ultimate Eve H. Sanford Effron 104 downloads
Revolt in the Ice Empire Ray Cummings 104 downloads
Men Without a World Joseph Farrell 103 downloads
Lesson for Today Joel Nydahl 103 downloads
Jupiter's Joke A. L. Haley 103 downloads
The God-Plllnk Jerome Bixby 102 downloads
Sidewinders From Sirius Fox B. Holden 101 downloads
The Thing of Venus Wilbur S. Peacock 101 downloads
The Poors Harry Lorayne 101 downloads
The small bears Gene L. Henderson 101 downloads
The Unwilling Professor Arthur Porges 100 downloads