Books about Essays (sorted by popularity)
The South Seaman: An Incident in the Sea Story of Australia Louis Becke 181 downloads
Lost Leaders Andrew Lang 180 downloads
Contos escolhidos de D. Antonio de Trueba (Portuguese) Antonio de Trueba 178 downloads
The Cutting of an Agate W. B. Yeats 178 downloads
A Hero and Some Other Folks William A. Quayle 178 downloads
Prose Fancies Richard Le Gallienne 178 downloads
Sanitary and Social Lectures and Essays Charles Kingsley 178 downloads
At Large Arthur Christopher Benson 178 downloads
Discoveries: A Volume of Essays W. B. Yeats 177 downloads
Pages from an Old Volume of Life; A Collection of Essays, 1857-1881 Oliver Wendell Holmes 176 downloads
The Patient Observer and His Friends Simeon Strunsky 174 downloads
Essays and soliloquies Miguel de Unamuno 174 downloads
The Complete Writings of Charles Dudley Warner — Volume 1 Charles Dudley Warner 173 downloads
Dream Life: A Fable of the Seasons Donald Grant Mitchell 170 downloads
Imaginäre Brücken: Studien und Aufsätze (German) Jakob Wassermann 170 downloads
Faces in the Fire, and Other Fancies Frank Boreham 168 downloads
Pieces of Hate; And Other Enthusiasms Heywood Broun 167 downloads
Practical Essays Alexander Bain 167 downloads
A Democracia (Portuguese) Jaime de Magalhães Lima 164 downloads
Rubble and Roseleaves, and Things of That Kind Frank Boreham 163 downloads
Vermakelijke anekdoten, en historische herinneringen (Dutch) J. van Lennep 162 downloads
Dreamthorp : A book of essays written in the country Alexander Smith 161 downloads
Evergreens Jerome K. Jerome 161 downloads
Post-Prandial Philosophy Grant Allen 161 downloads
The Buried Temple Maurice Maeterlinck 158 downloads