Books about Oceania -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The Trembling of a Leaf: Little Stories of the South Sea Islands W. Somerset Maugham 492 downloads
The Ebb-Tide: A Trio And Quartette Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne 395 downloads
A Son of the Sun Jack London 383 downloads
The Moon Pool Abraham Merritt 383 downloads
The Call of the South Louis Becke 356 downloads
South Sea Tales Jack London 315 downloads
Wild Justice: Stories of the South Seas Lloyd Osbourne 269 downloads
The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 19 Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne 242 downloads
The Rose of Dawn: A Tale of the South Sea Helen Hay Whitney 235 downloads
By the World Forgot: A Double Romance of the East and West Cyrus Townsend Brady 215 downloads
South-Sea Idyls Charles Warren Stoddard 213 downloads
Rodman the Boatsteerer, and Other Stories Louis Becke 211 downloads
The cave girl Edgar Rice Burroughs 211 downloads
Sestrina: A romance of the South Seas A. Safroni-Middleton 204 downloads
Âmona; The Child; And The Beast; And Others Louis Becke 195 downloads
Foster's Letter of Marque: A Tale of Old Sydney Louis Becke 191 downloads
Los pescadores de "Trépang" (Spanish) Emilio Salgari 191 downloads
Adventure Jack London 184 downloads
The Ebbing Of The Tide Louis Becke 179 downloads
L'île à hélice (French) Jules Verne 176 downloads
Tom Wallis: A Tale of the South Seas Louis Becke 176 downloads
Cumner's Son and Other South Sea Folk — Complete Gilbert Parker 175 downloads
The Flemmings and "Flash Harry" of Savait Louis Becke 173 downloads
"Chinkie's Flat" Louis Becke 172 downloads
The Brothers-In-Law: A Tale of the Equatorial Islands; and The Brass Gun of the Buccaneers Louis Becke 167 downloads
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