Books about Circus -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Circus Comes to Town Lebbeus Mitchell 118 downloads
Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue Playing Circus Laura Lee Hope 115 downloads
The Crimson Flash Roy J. Snell 115 downloads
Billy Whiskers at the Circus Frances Trego Montgomery 113 downloads
P. T. Barnum's Menagerie P. T. Barnum and Sarah J. Burke 112 downloads
Tinkle, the Trick Pony: His Many Adventures Richard Barnum 106 downloads
Motor Matt's Short Circuit; or, The Mahout's Vow Stanley R. Matthews 105 downloads
The Adventures of Diggeldy Dan Edwin P. Norwood 104 downloads
Motor Matt's Engagement; or, On the Road with a Show Stanley R. Matthews 103 downloads
The Curlytops at Sunset Beach; Or, What Was Found in the Sand Howard Roger Garis 101 downloads
The little acrobat: a story of Italy Janie Prichard Duggan 101 downloads
The Bear Family at Home, and How the Circus Came to Visit Them Curtis Dwight Wilbur 101 downloads
The Circus Boys on the Mississippi; Or, Afloat with the Big Show on the Big River Edgar B. P. Darlington 100 downloads
The Brownie Scouts in the Circus Mildred A. Wirt 96 downloads
Tamba, the Tame Tiger: His Many Adventures Richard Barnum 94 downloads
The Circus Boys Across the Continent; Or, Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark Edgar B. P. Darlington 86 downloads
Clown, the Circus Dog A. Vimar 82 downloads
Letty and the Twins Helen Sherman Griffith 81 downloads
Andy the Acrobat Peter T. Harkness 70 downloads