Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873


Atwood, Wallace Walter, 1872-1949

Bain, George W. (George William), 1901-1991

Balfour, John Hutton, 1808-1884

Ball, John, 1872-1941

Barrett, W. G. (William Garland), 1812-1865

Beadnell, H. J. L. (Hugh John Llewellyn), 1874-1944

Bergman, Torbern, 1735-1784

Bodenbender, Guillermo, 1857-1941

Boelsche, Wilhelm

See: Bölsche, Wilhelm, 1861-1939

Bölsche, Wilhelm, 1861-1939

Bommeli, R. (Rudolf), 1859-1926

Bonney, T. G. (Thomas George), 1833-1923

Bonpland, Aimé, 1773-1858

Bourdon, Henri

Brantley, Steven R.

Bristow, Henry W. (Henry William), 1817-1889

British Museum (Natural History). Department of Mineralogy

Broili, Ferdinand, 1874-1946

Brown, Barnum, 1873-1963

Brown, Joseph

Cadell, T. (Thomas), 1742-1802

Casilliano, Michael

Chamberlin, Thomas C. (Thomas Chrowder), 1843-1928

Chapman, Frederick, 1864-1943

Christman, Robert A. (Robert Adam), 1924-

Chronic, Halka, 1923-2013

Chronic, John

Chudeau, René, 1864-1921

Clarke, John Mason, 1857-1925

Clemens, William Alvin

Cole, Grenville A. J. (Grenville Arthur James), 1859-1924

Coleman, A. P. (Arthur Philemon), 1852-1939

Collinson, Charles William

Corbin, Walter Everett

Crandell, Dwight R. (Dwight Raymond), 1923-2009

Croll, James, 1821-1890

Crosby, William O. (William Otis), 1850-1925

Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832

Dachauer, Sebastian, 1778-1863

Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882

Davison, Charles, 1858-1940

Dawson, John William, Sir, 1820-1899

Dodge, Harry W.

Dutton, Clarence E. (Clarence Edward), 1841-1912

Dyson, James L. (James Lindsay), 1912-1967

Echols, Joan


See: United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency

Figuier, Louis, 1819-1894

Filamaryon, Kamil

See: Flammarion, Camille, 1842-1925

Flammarion, Camille, 1842-1925

Fletcher, L. (Lazarus), 1854-1921

Flett, J. S. (John Smith), Sir, 1869-1947

Francis, John George

Gautier, E. F. (Emile Félix), 1864-1940

Geikie, Archibald, 1835-1924

Geikie, James, 1839-1915

Geological Survey (U.S.)

Germain, Louis, 1878-1942

Gilbert, Grove Karl, 1843-1918

Girard, Roselle M., 1918-

Good, John M. (John Maxwell), 1924-

Goudsmit, Boudewijn Casper, 1849-1915

Goujaud, Aimé Jacques Alexandre

See: Bonpland, Aimé, 1773-1858

Gray, Mary Chilton

Green, Jacob, 1790-1841

Grew, Edwin Sharpe, 1867-1950

Hamilton, William, Sir, 1730-1803

Harris, Bill M.

Hartwig, G. (Georg), 1813-1880

Harvey, Ruth Sawyer

Hauff, Hermann, 1800-1865

Hawksworth, Hallam, 1863-

Haynes, Henry W. (Henry Williamson), 1831-1912

Hay, Oliver Perry, 1846-1930

Hermitte, Enrique Martín, 1871-1955

Houston, Edwin J. (Edwin James), 1847-1914

Hughes, J. Cecil (John Cecil)

Hughes, Thomas McKenny, 1832-1917

Hull, Edward, 1829-1917

Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859

Hume, W. F. (William Fraser), 1867-1949

Hutchinson, H. N. (Henry Neville), 1856-1927

Hutton, James, 1726-1797

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895

Illinois State Geological Survey


See: Illinois State Geological Survey

Ives, F. T. (Franklin Titus), 1828-1910

Jaggar, Thomas Augustus, 1871-1953

Jameson, Robert, 1774-1854

Judd, John W. (John Wesley), 1840-1916

Keefer, William R., 1924-

Keferstein, Christian, 1784-1866

Kershaw, Mark

See: Milne, John, 1850-1913

Kilian, Conrad, 1898-1950

King, Elbert A., 1935-1998

Kingsley, Charles, 1819-1875

Knowlton, Frank Hall, 1860-1926

Koken, E. (Ernst Friedrich Rudolph Karl), 1860-1912

Lamar, J. E. (John Everts), 1897-1979

Lane, Franklin K., 1864-1921

Leask, W. Keith (William Keith), 1857-1925

Lindström, Gustaf, 1829-1901

Lohman, Stanley William, 1907-

Loomis, Frederic Brewster, 1873-1937

Loomis, Justin R. (Justin Rudolph), 1810-1898

Lotze, Reinhold, 1887-1951

Love, J. D. (John David), 1913-2002

Lucas, Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus), 1852-1929

Lyell, Charles, Sir, 1797-1875

Macalister, Alex. (Alexander)‏

Mallet, Robert, 1810-1881

Mantell, Gideon Algernon, 1790-1852

Markman, Harvey C., 1881-1969

Marr, J. E. (John Edward), 1857-1933

Masó, Miguel Saderra

See: Saderra Masó, Miguel, -1939

Mastin, John, 1865-

Matthews, William Henry, 1919-

Matthew, William Diller, 1871-1930

McGrew, Paul O. (Paul Orman), 1909-1983

Merrill, Frederick J. H. (Frederick James Hamilton), 1861-1916

Meyerhoff, Howard A. (Howard Augustus), 1899-1982

Miller, Hugh, 1802-1856

Miller, William J. (William John), 1880-1965

Milne, John, 1850-1913

Moodie, Roy Lee, 1880-1934

National Park Service (U.S.)

See: United States. National Park Service

Newbigin, Marion I. (Marion Isabel), 1869-1934

Nicholson, Henry Alleyne, 1844-1899

Nicols, Arthur

Norton, William Harmon, 1856-1944

Olson, Storrs L., 1944-2021

Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935

Owen, Richard, 1804-1892

Pakiser, L. C. (Louis Charles), 1919-

Palmieri, Luigi, 1807-1896

Parris, David C.

Peale, Rembrandt, 1778-1860

Playfair, John, 1748-1819

Pouget, Isidore, 1863-1933

Price, George McCready, 1870-1963

Reed, John C. (John Calvin), 1836-1910

Renard, Alphonse-François, 1842-1903

Ridgway, John L., 1859-1947

Robinson, Charles Sherwood, 1920-

Rodwell, G. F. (George Farrer), 1843-

Rogers, Julia Ellen, 1866-

Rolt-Wheeler, Francis, 1876-1960

Ross, Thomasina

Rothschild, Meyer D.

Roy, Sharat Kumar, 1897-1962

Saderra Masó, Miguel, -1939

Salisbury, Rollin D., 1858-1922

Sandick, R. A. (Rudolf Adriaan) van, 1855-1933

Scarfoglia, Matilde Serao

See: Serao, Matilde, 1856-1927

Schlosser, Max, 1854-1932

Scott, William Berryman, 1858-1947

Scudder, Samuel Hubbard, 1837-1911

Seeley, H. G. (Harry Govier), 1839-1909

Serao, Matilde, 1856-1927

Seward, A. C. (Albert Charles), 1863-1941

Shedlock, Kaye M.

Skartvedt, Romayne

Skeats, Ernest Willington, 1875-1953

Smith, George Frederick Herbert, 1872-1953

Smit, Joseph, 1836-1929

Speir, Francis, 1856-1925

Stacy, John R.

Sternberg, Charles H. (Charles Hazelius), 1850-1943

Stopes, Marie Carmichael, 1880-1958

Stucker, Gilbert F.

Stukeley, William, 1687-1765

Symonds, W. S. (William Samuel), 1818-1887

Taber, C. A. M. (Charles Austin Mendell), 1824-1911

Thayer, Thomas P., 1907-2004

Tilling, Robert I., 1935-

Trimble, Donald E., 1916-

Tyndall, John, 1820-1893

United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency

United States. National Park Service

University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign campus). State Geological Survey

See: Illinois State Geological Survey

U.S. Geological Survey

See: Geological Survey (U.S.)


Von Humboldt, Alexander

See: Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859

Von Zittel, Karl Alfred

See: Zittel, Karl Alfred von, 1839-1904

Waddy, Frederick, 1848-1901

Warren, John Collins, 1778-1856

Wegener, Alfred, 1880-1930

West Texas State University. Geological Society

Wheeler, A. O. (Arthur Oliver), 1860-1945

White, Theodore Elmer, 1905-1977

Wiltshire, Thomas

Withering, William, 1741-1799

Woodward, Alice B., 1862-1951

Woodward, Henry, 1832-1921

Wright, G. Frederick (George Frederick), 1838-1921

Zittel, Karl Alfred von, 1839-1904