by Hedman, Valfrid
by Kaye-Smith, Sheila
by Russell, C. T. (Charles Taze)
by Russell, C. T. (Charles Taze)
by Russell, C. T. (Charles Taze)
by Russell, C. T. (Charles Taze)
by Jahnsson, Evald Ferdinand
by Brown, John
by Goldsmith, Milton
by Boyd, A. S. (Alexander Stuart)
by Maclaren, Ian
by Willard, Lawrence F.
by Oppenheim, Max, Freiherr von
by Fabre, Lucien
by Fabre, Lucien
by Fabre, Lucien
by Brasseur de Bourbourg, abbé
by Eeden, Frederik van
by Mangkoenegoro VII, Prince of Surakarta
by Noto Soeroto
by Tagore, Rabindranath
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Zamenhof, L. L. (Ludwik Lejzer)
by Biró, Lajos
Rabok (Hungarian)
by Molnár, Ferenc
by Jókai, Mór
by Dall'Ongaro, Francesco
by Percoto, Caterina
by Castelnuovo, Enrico
by Ghislanzoni, Antonio
by Tarchetti, Iginio Ugo
by Thouar, Pietro
by Ghislanzoni, Antonio
by Thouar, Pietro
by Bazzoni, Giambattista
by Cantù, Cesare
by Bazzoni, Giambattista
by Tarchetti, Iginio Ugo
by Cagna, Achille Giovanni
by Cagna, Achille Giovanni
by Stephenson, Gilbert Thomas
by Frary, Raoul
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Austin, Kenneth
by Lang, W. H.
by McKay, W. J. Stewart (William John Stewart)
by Stainforth, Martin
by Baker, La Reine Helen McKenzie
by Bull, Charles Livingston
by Litsey, Edwin Carlile
by Young, Clarence
by Young, Clarence
by Orban, Paul
by Williams, Ralph
by Commons, John R. (John Rogers)
by Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison)
by Deniker, Joseph
by Mercer, Joyce
by Syrett, Netta
by Grimké, Angelina Weld
by Neal, John
by Kavanagh, Julia
by Stokes, Nellie Treanor
by Trollope, Anthony
by Gabel, Norman E.
by Burnett, Frances Hodgson
by Cady, Harrison
by Noyes, Alfred
by Noyes, Alfred
by United States
by Garratt, Evelyn R.
by Stopes, Marie Carmichael
by Ernst, Paul
by Phillips, Percy
by MacDonald, Daniel J.
by Seibold, Alois Leopold
by Curie, Marie
by Rutherford, Ernest
by Collins, A. Frederick (Archie Frederick)
by Collins, A. Frederick (Archie Frederick)
by Farley, Ralph Milne
by Binns, Jack
by Chapman, Allen
by Chapman, Allen
by Binns, Jack
by Chapman, Allen
by Aaron, S. F. (Samuel Francis)
by Whipple, Wayne
by Binns, Jack
by Chapman, Allen
by Breckenridge, Gerald
by Duffield, J. W.
by Duffield, J. W.
by Duffield, J. W.
by Honeywell, Frank
by Aaron, S. F. (Samuel Francis)
by Whipple, Wayne
by Breckenridge, Gerald
by Breckenridge, Gerald
by Breckenridge, Gerald
by Breckenridge, Gerald
by Breckenridge, Gerald
by Binns, Jack
by Chapman, Allen
by Duffield, J. W.
by Breckenridge, Gerald
by Binns, Jack
by Chapman, Allen
by Binns, Jack
by Chapman, Allen
by Breckenridge, Gerald
by Soto, Rafael M. de
by Whitman, Vic (Victor Sargent)
by Verrill, A. Hyatt (Alpheus Hyatt)
by Verrill, A. Hyatt (Alpheus Hyatt)
by Verrill, A. Hyatt (Alpheus Hyatt)
by Kline, Otis Adelbert
by Paul, Frank R. (Frank Rudolph)
by Penrose, Margaret
by Penrose, Margaret
by Gooch, Thelma
by Penrose, Margaret
by Gooch, Thelma
by Penrose, Margaret
by Fay, Heman, Jr.
by Forbes, Alexander
by Baserga, Renato
by Kisieleski, Walter E.
by Phelan, Earl W.
by Curie, Marie
by Paul, Frank R. (Frank Rudolph)
by Witwer, Benjamin
by Farley, Ralph Milne
by Gaughan, Jack
by Schoenherr, John
by Scott, John A.
by Woodford, Jack
by Anonymous
by Dirk, Jan
by Repp, Ed Earl
by Caw, J. L. (James Lewis), Sir
by Allison, James Murray
by Raemaekers, Louis
by Allison, James Murray
by Raemaekers, Louis
by Allison, James Murray
by Raemaekers, Louis
by Raemaekers, Louis
by Brau, Salvador
by Dalrymple, Julia
by McDonald, Etta Blaisdell
by Pellico, Silvio
by Knackfuss, H. (Hermann)
by Hornung, E. W. (Ernest William)
by Åberg, J. O. (Johan Olof)
by Dawson, Coningsby
by Lowell, Orson
by Munroe, Kirk
by Budrys, Algis
by Anonymous
by Colombi, marchesa
by Hemmer, Jarl
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by MacGrath, Harold
by McIntyre, John T. (John Thomas)
by Bayly, Mrs. (Mary)
by Howells, William Dean
by Howells, William Dean
by Howells, William Dean
by Tressell, Robert
by Gruelle, Johnny
by Gruelle, Johnny
by Berryman, Clifford Kennedy
by White, Mary Josephine
by Barrili, Anton Giulio
by Pirandello, Luigi
by Costantini, Anna Miller
by Donnelly, Ignatius
by Wiley, Belle
by Leslie, Madeline
by Niemann, Karen
by Caveny, Marie
by Siegel, Samuel
by Benedictsson, Victoria
by Setälä, Salme
by Frank, Waldo David
by Corander, Gotthard
by Stjernström, Jeanette
by Stjernström, Louise
by Leino, Eino
by Sinclair, Upton
by Sirola, Yrjö
by Haapanen, Emmi
by Zola, Émile
by Gummerus, K. J. (Kaarle Jaakko)
by Berry, Don
by Finlay, Virgil
by Hall, Desmond Winter
by Gallun, Raymond Z. (Raymond Zinke)
by Morey, Leo
by Dyer, R. E. H. (Reginald Edward Harry)
by Wells, Basil
by Wandrei, Donald
by Roberts, Charles G. D., Sir
by Dunn, Byron A. (Byron Archibald)
by Ford, Douglas Morey
by Leech, Samuel V.
by Craddock, Charles Egbert
by Craddock, Charles Egbert
by Dunton, W. Herbert
by Schuyler, Remington
by Ernst, Paul
by Lang, Allen Kim
by Schoenherr, John
by Richards, R. C. (Ralph Coffin)
by Moody, John
by Pansy
by Hungerford, Edward
by Bryan, William Jennings
by Larrabee, William
by Daggett, Stuart
by Ripley, William Zebina
by Pike, Richard
by Skelton, Oscar D. (Oscar Douglas)
by Nesbit, E. (Edith)
by Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose
by Mills, William Hemingway
by Thompson, Slason
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Grierson, James
by Anonymous
by Haig, Maham H.
by Henshall, Jeannette Fraser
by Coomes, Oll
by Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert)
by Anonymous
by Nesbit, E. (Edith)
by Baumer, Lewis Christopher Edward
by Partridge, Bernard
by Pitcher, William J. C.
by Rackham, Arthur
by Rountree, Harry
by Spielmann, M. H. (Mabel Henrietta)
by Thomson, Hugh
by Fox, Frances Margaret
by Merrill, Frank T.
by United States. National Park Service
by Fyleman, Rose
by Grosvenor, Thelma Cudlipp
by Hume, Fergus
by Teasdale, Sara
by Walker, Dugald Stewart
by Gooch, Thelma
by Lawrence, Josephine
by Pollock, Frank Lillie
by Beach, Rex
by Grey, Zane
by Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud)
by Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud)
by Tomlinson, Charles
by Pimentel, Alberto
by Day, Holman
by Ouida
by Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell
by Braga, Teófilo
by Quental, Antero de
by Kokko, Juhana
by Smith, Allen Christian
by Trecartin, John S.
by Eisen, Gustavus A.
by Austen, Jane
by Montolieu, Isabelle de
by Austen, Jane
by Montolieu, Isabelle de
by Austen, Jane
by Montolieu, Isabelle de
by Austen, Jane
by Montolieu, Isabelle de
by Ramstedt, G. J. (Gustaf John)
by Hellman, Juho
by Tamminen, Em.
by St. John, Spenser, Sir
by Fenn, George Manville
by Despard, C. (Charlotte)
by Åberg, J. O. (Johan Olof)
by Siljo, Juhani
by Korhonen, Veikko
by Hirsch, Nelli
by Kemény, Zsigmond, báró
by Mikszáth, Kálmán
by Hirsch, Nelli
by Kemény, Zsigmond, báró
by Mikszáth, Kálmán
by Dreyfus, Abraham
by Järnefelt, Saimi
by Sillanpää, Frans Eemil
by Lehtonen, Joel
by Thompson, Bertha
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Lehtonen, Joel
by Bowen, Marjorie
by Brown, Paul Cameron
by Lehtonen, Joel
by Jalava, Antti
by Jókai, Mór
by Tarvas, Toivo
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Kouta, Aarni
by Jókai, Mór
by Finne, Jalmari
by Kouta, Aarni
by Zola, Émile
by Kivinen, Ilmari
by Jalkanen, Huugo
by Lassila, Maiju
by Turunen, Armas E.
by Jotuni, Maria
by Jókai, Mór
by Arbes, Jakub
by Grňa, Josef
by Gosse, Edmund
by Lang, Andrew
by Norton, Andre
by Reid, James
by Gernsback, Hugo
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Norway, G. (George)
by Brown, William Perry
by Fry, W. H.
by Otis, James
by Chapman, Allen
by Angell, Clare
by Chapman, Allen
by Chapman, Allen
by Chapman, Allen
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by Chapman, Allen
by Beach, Edward L. (Edward Latimer)
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by Sargent, Antony
by Trollope, Anthony
by Chapman, Allen
by Lyster, Annette
by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
by Alexander, Mrs.
by Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion)
by Arantes, Hemetério
by Fauche, Hippolyte
by Valmiki
by Fauche, Hippolyte
by Valmiki
by Dutt, Manmatha Nath
by Valmiki
by Dutt, Manmatha Nath
by Valmiki
by Dutt, Manmatha Nath
by Valmiki
by Dutt, Manmatha Nath
by Valmiki
by Griffith, Ralph T. H. (Ralph Thomas Hotchkin)
by Valmiki
by Ferrall, S. A. (Simon Ansley)
by Sheppard, W. Crispin (William Crispin)
by Sheppard, W. Crispin (William Crispin)
by Sheppard, W. Crispin (William Crispin)
by Sheppard, W. Crispin (William Crispin)
by Sheppard, W. Crispin (William Crispin)
by Sheppard, W. Crispin (William Crispin)
by Sheppard, W. Crispin (William Crispin)
by Sheppard, W. Crispin (William Crispin)
by Sheppard, W. Crispin (William Crispin)
by Sheppard, W. Crispin (William Crispin)
by Torrey, Bradford
by Sleeman, W. H. (William Henry), Sir
by Mahaffy, J. P. (John Pentland)
by Collins, Wilkie
by Norman, Benjamin Moore
by Madders, Susan Swain
by Grew, Edwin Sharpe
by Grew, Marion Sharpe
by Mansfield, M. F. (Milburg Francisco)
by McManus, Blanche
by Anonymous
by Allbut, Robert
by Brenan, Gerald
by James, Helen M. (Helen Mary)
by Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
by Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
by R. H. R.
by Mansfield, M. F. (Milburg Francisco)
by McManus, Blanche
by Forbes, S. Russell
by Forester, Thomas
by Bullitt, Alexander Clark
by Blessington, Marguerite, Countess of
by O'Rell, Max
by Norman, Benjamin Moore
by Fairholt, F. W. (Frederick William)
by Godman, John D. (John Davidson)
by A. L. O. E.
by Roney, Cusack P., Sir
by Mansfield, M. F. (Milburg Francisco)
by McManus, Blanche
by De Loach, R. J. H. (Robert John Henderson)
by Ellenor, J. B.
by Bowman, Earl Wayland
by Diderot, Denis
by Hagfors, Edvin
by Juuso
by Pietilä, Väinö
by Korhonen, Veikko
by Korhonen, Veikko
by Conceição, Alexandre da
by Cordeiro, Luciano
by Deus, João de
by Figueiredo, Cândido de
by Torrezão, Guiomar D.
by Jackson, Helen Hunt
by MacDonald, George
by Bourdon, Henri
by Day, Holman
by Various
by Tarkington, Booth
by Footner, Hulbert
by Loti, Pierre
by Hughes, Arthur
by MacDonald, George
by Wheelhouse, M. V. (Mary V.)
by Camba, Julio
by Blok, Maurice
by Mendes, A. P.
by Perelaer, M. T. H. (Michael Theophile Hubert)
by Reid, Mayne
by Bower, B. M.
by Hudson, Charles B. (Charles Bradford)
by Inman, Henry
by Chambers, Wilson V. (Wilson Vaughn)
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Chambers, Wilson V. (Wilson Vaughn)
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Prittie, Edwin John
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Bodine, Hugh A.
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Coleman, Ralph P. (Ralph Pallen)
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Bodine, Hugh A.
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Ginther, Pemberton
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Bodine, Hugh A.
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Bindloss, Harold
by Carson, Thomas
by Ivory, P. V. E.
by Seltzer, Charles Alden
by King, Charles
by Tuttle, W. C. (Wilbur C.)
by Viana, Javier de
by Clark, Jeremiah S.
by Murray, Robert
by Rand, Silas Tertius
by Blackburn, Henry
by Caldecott, Randolph
by Rockefeller, John D. (John Davison)
by Bill o'th' Hoylus End
by Kincaid, J. (John)
by Liljencrantz, Ottilie A. (Ottilia Adelina)
by Hurwitz, Wallie Abraham
by Brooks, Amy
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by Brooks, Amy
by Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm
by Schoonover, Frank E.
by Seltzer, Charles Alden
by Bower, B. M.
by Russell, Charles M. (Charles Marion)
by Brand, Max
by LaBelle, Claude A.
by LaBelle, Claude A.
by LaBelle, Claude A.
by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
by Thompson, Daniel P. (Daniel Pierce)
by Böhlau, Helene
by Unknown
by Scargill, William Pitt
by Scargill, William Pitt
by Scargill, William Pitt
by Peltonen, Ester
by Storm, Theodor
by Sand, George
by Baudelaire, Charles
by Musset, Alfred de
by Onerva, L.
by Verlaine, Paul
by Kallio, O. A. (Oskar Albin)
by Söderhjelm, Alma
by Davis, Richard Harding
by Shakespeare, William
by Pope, Alexander
by Hare, T. Leman (Thomas Leman)
by Konody, Paul G. (Paul George)
by Hurll, Estelle M. (Estelle May)
by Lamartine, Alphonse de
by Starkweather, C. C.
by Sullivan, Alan
by Stacpoole, H. De Vere (Henry De Vere)
by Katryn, Ned
by Koskimaa, Juho
by Vandal, Édouard
by Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, prince de Bénévent
by Doumet-Adanson, Napoléon
by Letourneux, A. (Aristide)
by Cosson, E. (Ernest)
by Grimm, Jacob
by Grimm, Wilhelm
by Ladd, George Trumbull
by Levy, Stanley Isaac
by Darío, Rubén
by Ochoa, Enrique
by Edschmid, Kasimir
by Liber, Maurice
by Seltzer, Adele Szold
by Anzengruber, Ludwig
by Soini, Lauri
by MacDonald, Philip
by Wells, Carolyn
by Radziwill, Catherine, Princess
by Le Queux, William
by Capuana, Luigi
by Johnson, Samuel
by Farmer, Philip José
by Velvin, Ellen
by Bosworth, Annie E.
by Monteiro, Ramalho
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Phillips, Rog
by Russell, John E. (John Edwards)
by Robertson, J. M. (John Mackinnon)
by Widtsoe, John Andreas
by Atkinson, Henry
by Coloma, Luis
by Pedrero, Mariano
by MacGill, Patrick
by Betts, M. C. (Morris Cotgrave)
by Crouch, W. E. (Winney Elmer)
by Silver, James
by Cartier, Edd
by Franklin, Jay
by Smith, George O. (George Oliver)
by Keller, David H. (David Henry)
by Kotzky, Alex
by O'Brien, David Wright
by Böhlau, Helene
by Böhlau, Helene
by Malmberg, Aino
by Schreiner, Olive
by Hauptmann, Gerhart
by Stjernstedt, Georg
by Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin)
by Rankin, Hugh
by Finlay, Virgil
by Warner, Harry
by Howard, Edward
by Marryat, Frederick
by Wyllarde, Dolf
by Frank, Leonhard
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Aho, Juhani
by Lundström, Isidor
by Silander, R.
by Hoffmann, Franz
by Törmälä, Emanuel
by Tayler, Charles B. (Charles Benjamin)
by London, Jack
by Krohn, Helmi
by Topelius, Zacharias
by Kukkonen, Albert
by Aho, Juhani
by Aho, Juhani
by Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne
by Suppanen, Alma
by Holitscher, Arthur
by Leonhard, Rudolf
by Doré, Gustave
by Poe, Edgar Allan
by Poe, Edgar Allan
by Poe, Edgar Allan
by Stedman, Edmund Clarence
by Jenkins, Will
by Perrett, Galen J.
by Poe, Edgar Allan
by Andrew, George T.
by Poe, Edgar Allan
by Taylor, William Ladd
by Hutton, Edward
by Charles, Elizabeth Rundle
by Fletcher, J. S. (Joseph Smith)
by Kingsley, Henry
by Woodville, Richard Caton
by Gates, H. L. (Henry Leyford)
by Mardiganian, Aurora
by Waln, Nora
by Rowe, Clarence
by Sinclair, Bertrand W.
by Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
by Pierce, Frank Richardson
by Nickerson, Ansel D.
by Lodge, Oliver, Sir
by Fletcher, J. S. (Joseph Smith)
by King, Charles
by Penrose, Charles W. (Charles William)
by Goss, John
by Roberts, Theodore Goodridge
by Perez, Modesto
by Caldecott, Randolph
by Caldecott, Randolph
by Caldecott, Randolph
by Hunter, Evan
by Hopkins, Arthur John
by Holley, Horace
by Orage, A. R. (Alfred Richard)
by Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
by Joyce, P. W. (Patrick Weston)
by Arnold, Sarah Louise
by Hülshof, John Ludwig
by Meredith, George
by Bushnell, Curtis C. (Curtis Clark)
by Bushnell, Curtis C. (Curtis Clark)
by Starr, Frederick
by Phillips, Chester Arthur
by Norton, Arthur O.
by Various
by Longstreth, Thomas Morris
by Irwin, Will
by Optic, Oliver
by Giberne, Agnes
by Crosby, Raymond Moreau
by Webster, Henry Kitchell
by Hammerton, J. A. (John Alexander)
by Buchanan, Alfred
by Dalton, Cornelius Neale
by Ross, Martin
by Somerville, E. Oe. (Edith Oenone)
by Rhoades, Nina
by Withington, Elizabeth R. (Elizabeth Rupp)
by Nagel, Bart
by Sirius, R. U.
by St. Jude
by Shute, Henry A. (Henry Augustus)
by Lardner, Ring
by Gleeson, James M.
by Jamison, Louise
by Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train)
by Stead, Estelle W. (Estelle Wilson)
by Stead, W. T. (William Thomas)
by Ritchie, J. Ewing (James Ewing)
by Fenn, George Manville
by Stacey, W. S. (Walter S.)
by Stuart, William W.
by Pérez Galdós, Benito
by Bounds, Edward M. (Edward McKendree)
by Hodge, Homer W. (Homer Werle)
by Atteridge, A. Hilliard (Andrew Hilliard)
by Murray, Stewart Lygon
by Silverberg, Robert
by Knight, Landon
by Atwater, John Birdseye
by Croker, B. M. (Bithia Mary)
by Smith, F. Berkeley (Frank Berkeley)
by Smith, F. Berkeley (Frank Berkeley)
by Smith, Francis Hopkinson
by Alken, Henry Thomas
by Badcock, John, active 1816-1830
by Dighton, Richard
by Egan, Pierce
by Heath, William
by Rowlandson, Thomas
by Gordon, Elizabeth
by Rae, John
by Mackenzie, Donald A. (Donald Alexander)
by Becher, Arthur E.
by Lynde, Francis
by Wright, Blanche Fisher
by Phipps, Edward James
by Hughes, James L. (James Laughlin)
by Jeaffreson, John Cordy
by Jeaffreson, John Cordy
by Davis, Richard Harding
by Rovetta, Gerolamo
by Teichner, Albert
by James, Henry
by Den, Lili
by Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic)
by Taylor, Mary Imlay
by Williams, George Alfred
by Burke, John J. (John James)
by Rogers, Henry
by Defoe, Daniel
by Hull, William
by Nolan, Laurence J.
by Lockwood, Richard
by Allen, Ethan
by Glyn, Elinor
by Philp, Robert Kemp
by Donnell, Annie Hamilton
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Caswell, Edward C.
by Sterrett, Frances R. (Frances Roberta)
by Aimard, Gustave
by Wraxall, Lascelles, Sir
by Tinayre, Marcelle
by Goldbeck, Walter Dean
by Patterson, Joseph Medill
by Castlemon, Harry
by White, George G. (George Gorgas)
by Burette, Madame
by Tieck, Ludwig
by Burette, Madame
by Tieck, Ludwig
by Mockler, Geraldine
by Twidle, Arthur
by Taylor, Mary Imlay
by Bangs, John Kendrick
by George, Manfred
by Palazzeschi, Aldo
by Meade, L. T.
by Coppel, Alfred
by Mayan, Earl
by Piper, H. Beam
by Ponsonby, Arthur Ponsonby, Baron
by Ponsonby, Dorothea
by Fontenay, Charles L.
by Norton, Andre
by Eggleston, George Cary
by Gilbert, Bernard
by Jones, J. B. (John Beauchamp)
by Sharp, Evelyn
by Defoe, Daniel
by Newman, Francis William
by Defoe, Daniel
by Newman, Francis William
by Price, Clair
by Huysmans, J.-K. (Joris-Karl)
by Leroux, Auguste
by Hopkinson, Alfred, Sir
by Rovetta, Gerolamo
by Curtis, Betsy
by Giunta, John
by Goldstein, Evelyn
by Allen, Grant
by Bowman, Bill
by Silverberg, Robert
by Marvin, Francis Sydney
by Macfie, R. A. (Robert Andrew)
by Farmer, John Stephen
by Alvarez, Ticul
by Curie, Pierre
by Miller, George Laing
by Sorley, W. R. (William Ritchie)
by Volney, C.-F. (Constantin-François)
by Volney, C.-F. (Constantin-François)
by Curie, Marie
by Storch, K.
by Wolff, Julius
by Hyne, Charles John Cutcliffe Wright
by Eatmor Cranberries
by American National Insurance Company
by Hershey Chocolate Corporation
by First Presbyterian Church (Marion, Ohio). Ladies' Aid Society
by United States. Army
by Betts, George Herbert
by Harvey, James Clarence
by Méneval, Claude-François, baron de
by Boigne, Louise-Eléonore-Charlotte-Adélaide d'Osmond, comtesse de
by Boigne, Louise-Eléonore-Charlotte-Adélaide d'Osmond, comtesse de
by Boigne, Louise-Eléonore-Charlotte-Adélaide d'Osmond, comtesse de
by Boigne, Louise-Eléonore-Charlotte-Adélaide d'Osmond, comtesse de
by Achard, Amédée
by Le Glay, Maurice
by Hapgood, Isabel Florence
by Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
by Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Wilde, Percival
by Gage, George W.
by McCarter, Margaret Hill
by Curry, Mike
by Zaccone, Pierre
by Orban, Paul
by Smith, George O. (George Oliver)
by Frothingham, Octavius Brooks
by Eddy, Arthur Jerome
by Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward)
by Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward)
by Lamon, Ward Hill
by Teillard, Dorothy Lamon
by Forwood, William Bower, Sir
by Daniel, John W. (John Warwick)
by Sorrel, G. Moxley (Gilbert Moxley)
by Kieffer, Henry Martyn
by Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander
by Tocqueville, Alexis de
by Stoughton, John
by Cuyler, Theodore L. (Theodore Ledyard)
by Adye, John, Sir
by Anderson, Acland
by Anderson, Joseph Jocelyn
by Gibson, J. W. (J. Watt)
by Russell, William
by Shairp, John Campbell
by Wordsworth, Dorothy
by Eggleston, George Cary
by Lett, William Pittman
by Massey, Montague
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Caine, Hall, Sir
by Cooper, James Fenimore
by Sherman, John
by Taft, Helen Herron
by Kingsley, Henry
by Gardner, James Anthony
by Hamilton, R. Vesey (Richard Vesey), Sir
by Laughton, John Knox
by MacMicking, Robert
by Brandes, Georg
by Renan, Ernest
by Stonehouse, James
by Curling, Henry
by Harris, Benjamin
by Morrow, Maud E.
by Dana, Charles A. (Charles Anderson)
by Donaldson, Joseph
by Lansdown, Charlotte
by Lansdown, Henry Venn
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Clark, Walter
by Wairy, Louis Constant
by Colquhoun, A. H. U. (Arthur Hugh Urquhart)
by Dunlop, William
by Gordon, Charles Alexander, Sir
by Duncan, Thomas D.
by Reynolds, John, of Vermont
by Bullen, Frank Thomas
by Murray, David Christie
by Thompson, Seymour D. (Seymour Dwight)
by Cheyne, T. K. (Thomas Kelly)
by Duveyrier, Henri
by Foucauld, Charles de
by Duveyrier, Henri
by Foucauld, Charles de
by Cramer, Ambrosio
by Barr, Amelia E.
by Pearson, Francis B. (Francis Bail)
by Burgess, John William
by Lonn, Ella
by Dewey, John
by Woolley, Edwin C. (Edwin Campbell)
by Jones, Rufus M. (Rufus Matthew)
by Pringle, Cyrus G. (Cyrus Guernsey)
by Jacson, Mainwaring George
by Faxian
by Legge, James
by Faxian
by Legge, James
by Abernathy, Robert
by United States. Bureau of Naval Personnel
by Dawson, A. J. (Alec John)
by Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
by Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison)
by Fisher, John Arbuthnot Fisher, Baron
by Walter, J. Conway (James Conway)
by Stevenson, Robert Louis
by Kemble, Fanny
by Anderson, Sydney
by Jones, J. Knox
by Dürer, Albrecht
by Tombo, Rudolf
by Kemble, Fanny
by Marten, Edward Bindon
by Clemens, William Alvin
by Church of Scotland. General Assembly
by Peterkin, Alexander
by White, Andrew Dickson
by Walter, J. Conway (James Conway)
by Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey, Viscount
by Wright, Harold Bell
by Hill, Grace Livingston
by Warren, Henry White
by Cim, Albert
by Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison
by Wilson, John
by Wilson, John
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Schelling, George
by Walton, Bryce
by Wormeley, Katharine Prescott
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Farquhar, George
by Inchbald, Mrs.
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Holmes, Mary Jane
by Crane, Walter
by Molesworth, Mrs.
by La Gelière, P.-C. de
by Anonymous
by Gingras, Jules Fabien
by Castelar, Emilio
by Castelar, Emilio
by Zorrilla, José
by Ramón y Cajal, Santiago
by Ramón y Cajal, Santiago
by Baroja, Pío
by McElroy, John
by Richmond, Grace S. (Grace Smith)
by Rogers, Frances
by Samuel, Horace Barnett
by Stendhal
by Holt, Emily Sarah
by Broughton, Rhoda
by Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford)
by Crane, Stephen
by Crane, Stephen
by Barker, J. Ellis
by Grey, C. G. (Charles Grey)
by Richthofen, Manfred, Freiherr von
by Coleman, Ralph P. (Ralph Pallen)
by Pendexter, Hugh
by Lippincott, Joseph Wharton
by Hume, Fergus
by Knight, Mary
by Wedemeyer, Albert C. (Albert Coady)
by Bronson, Edgar Beecher
by Lang, Andrew
by Lang, Mrs.
by Mills, Arthur Wallis
by Melville, Herman
by Adams, Katharine
by Van Everen, Jay
by Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford)
by Scott, Walter
by Magnay, William, Sir
by Keller, Arthur Ignatius
by Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir)
by Butler, William Francis, Sir
by Ollivant, Alfred
by Robertson, W. Graham (Walford Graham)
by Weyman, Stanley John
by Mereto, Joseph J.
by Wood, Henry, Mrs.
by Wood, Henry, Mrs.
by McArthur, Peter
by Lowndes, Marie Belloc
by Davis, Richard Harding
by Morris, Gouverneur
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Vandercook, Margaret
by Barton, Clara
by MacDonald, Everett
by Mitford, Bertram
by Dukes, Paul
by Leinster, Murray
by Snell, Roy J. (Roy Judson)
by Eggleston, George Cary
by Downs, George Sheldon, Mrs.
by Rowe, Clarence
by Humboldt, Alexander von
by Petruccelli della Gattina, Ferdinando
by Petruccelli della Gattina, Ferdinando
by Petruccelli della Gattina, Ferdinando
by Petruccelli della Gattina, Ferdinando
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Hoare, Edward
by Young, Robert F.
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Goss, Charles Frederic
by Sheldon, Charles M.
by Harben, Will N. (Will Nathaniel)
by Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
by Neumann, Karl Eugen
by Neumann, Karl Eugen
by Neumann, Karl Eugen
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider)
by Smith, George O. (George Oliver)
by Williams, A. (Arthur)
by Conscience, Hendrik
by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
by Lang, Andrew
by Long, Frank Belknap
by Senf, C. C. (Curtis Charles)
by Comfort, Will Levington
by Van Dyke, Henry
by Dilley, Edgar M. (Edgar Meck)
by Goss, John
by Bull, Charles Livingston
by Roberts, Charles G. D., Sir
by Scott, Walter
by Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury)
by Glyn, Elinor
by Birmingham, George A.
by Butler, Ellis Parker
by Fuller, Arthur D. (Arthur Davenport)
by Hume, Fergus
by Grey, Zane
by Ernst, Paul
by MacGill, Patrick
by Anderson, Thomas Fenwick
by London, Jack
by Umbstaetter, H. D. (Herman Daniel)
by Milne, A. A. (Alan Alexander)
by Milne, A. A. (Alan Alexander)
by Duchess
by Kirkpatrick, William Arber-Brown
by Long, Lily A. (Lily Augusta)
by Eastman, Charles A.
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Wormeley, Katharine Prescott
by Burt, Katharine Newlin
by Andreyev, Leonid
by Linden, A. (Alexandra)
by Badger, Jos. E. (Joseph Edward)
by Bronson-Howard, George
by France, Anatole
by France, Anatole
by France, Anatole
by France, Anatole
by Bridges, Victor
by Du Boisgobey, Fortuné
by Kollontai, A. (Aleksandra)
by Snell, Roy J. (Roy Judson)
by Huntington, Ellsworth
by Johnson, Allen
by Smith, Frank L.
by Pokagon, Simon
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Vance, Louis Joseph
by Remington, Frederic
by Wister, Owen
by Miller, Warren H. (Warren Hastings)
by Barnes, Annie Maria
by Newman, George A.
by Heady, Morrison
by Hume, Fergus
by Kinney, Margaret West
by Kinney, Troy
by Osborne, William Hamilton
by Stoddard, William O.
by Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin)
by London, Jack
by Pish
by Tush
by Tayler, James
by Richmond, Grace S. (Grace Smith)
by Richmond, Grace S. (Grace Smith)
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Roberts, Theodore Goodridge
by Locke, William John
by Brillhart, Ralph
by Winterbotham, R. R. (Russell Robert)
by Guernsey, Lucy Ellen
by Cholmondeley, Mary
by Austin, Henry
by Boothby, Guy
by Wells-Barnett, Ida B.
by Phillpotts, Eden
by Durland, Kellogg
by Very, Lydia L. A. (Lydia Louisa Anna)
by Wood, Louis Aubrey
by Aimard, Gustave
by St. John, Percy B. (Percy Bolingbroke)
by Williams, Henry Llewellyn
by Abbott, Jane
by Richards, Harriet Roosevelt
by Clinedinst, B. West (Benjamin West)
by Page, Thomas Nelson
by Ford, H. J. (Henry Justice)
by Lang, Andrew
by Cuneo, Cyrus
by Le Queux, William
by Schleussner, Ellie
by Strindberg, August
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Meade, L. T.
by Cooper, James Fenimore
by Steel, Flora Annie Webster
by Gibbons, Helen Davenport
by Deeping, Warwick
by Phillips, Henry Wallace
by Phillips, Henry Wallace
by Lincoln, Natalie Sumner
by Howard, Robert E. (Robert Ervin)
by Rankin, Hugh
by Henty, G. A. (George Alfred)
by Pearse, Alfred
by Cooper, James Fenimore
by Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine)
by Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine)
by Pendexter, Hugh
by Ironside, John
by Yohn, F. C. (Frederick Coffay)
by Armstrong, William H.
by Frick, Jacob G.
by Morford, Henry
by Macauley, C. R. (Charles Raymond)
by Freeman, R. Austin (Richard Austin)
by Aimard, Gustave
by Wraxall, Lascelles, Sir
by Morrison, Arthur
by Ford, H. J. (Henry Justice)
by Lang, Andrew
by Murdoch, B. J. (Benedict Joseph)
by Hawks, Wells
by Warner, Susan
by Currie, John Allister
by Hayens, Herbert
by Barrow, Sarah L.
by Barrow, Sarah L.
by Le Queux, William
by Hume, Fergus
by Anderson, Murphy
by Doolin, Joseph
by McDowell, Robert Emmett
by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
by Tracy, Louis
by Wells, Carolyn
by Adams, Andy
by Wharton, Edith
by Wharton, Edith
by Merwin, Sam
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Raymond, Evelyn
by Rachilde
by Beck, Amanda K. (Amanda Kathryn)
by Godkin, Edwin Lawrence
by Eddy, Henry S.
by Rowland, Helen
by Glyn, Elinor
by Landa, Louis A.
by Maynwaring, Arthur
by Oldmixon, Mr. (John)
by Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert)
by Babbage, Charles
by Sessions, Roger
by Andrews, C. C. (Christopher Columbus)
by Fuseli, Henry
by Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
by Montagu, Edward Wortley
by Brill, A. A. (Abraham Arden)
by Freud, Sigmund
by Kuttner, Alfred B. (Alfred Booth)
by Friswell, J. Hain (James Hain)
by La Rochefoucauld, François duc de
by Willis Bund, J. W. (John William)
by Anonymous
by La Rochefoucauld, François duc de
by Anonymous
by Lescallier, Daniel, baron
by Staël, Madame de (Anne-Louise-Germaine)
by Canuto, J. S.
by Lindsay, Thomas M. (Thomas Martin)
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by Bell, Kenneth (Kenneth Norman)
by Bewsher, F. W. (Frederick William)
by Winbolt, S. E. (Samuel Edward)
by Fox, Paul
by Mill, Mrs. (Jean Oliver)
by Dury, John
by McLachlan, D. B.
by Barrillon, François-Guillaume
by Bigongiari, Dino
by Croce, Benedetto
by Gentile, Giovanni
by Woolf, Daniel
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Hayden, Horace Edwin
by Lehmann, Ignaz
by Dye, Charles
by Morgan, Thomas Hunt
by Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider)
by Bennett, Arnold
by Alas, Leopoldo
by Storm, Theodor
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Maquet, Auguste
by Voinovich, Géza
by Castelo Branco, Camilo
by Ambrus, Zoltán
by Batthyány, Gyula, gróf
by Tormay, Cécile
by Jókai, Mór
by Móricz, Pál
by Balassa, Bálint, báró
by Thaly, Kálmán
by Balassa, Bálint, báró
by Thaly, Kálmán
by Anonymous
by Farmer, John S.
by Farmer, John Stephen
by Dane, Clemence
by Trimen, Richard
by Saki
by Bateman, Reginald
by Reed, Talbot Baines
by Saki
by Marshall, Beatrice
by Sudermann, Hermann
by Leino, Eino
by Topelius, Zacharias
by Howells, William Dean
by Fletcher, W. G. D. (William George Dimock)
by Bégis, A. (Alfred)
by Bér, Dezső
by Gyulai, Pál
by Schöpflin, Aladár
by Ramón y Cajal, Santiago
by Perret, P.-M. (Paul-Michel)
by Simonetta, Cicco
by Ordine della Santissima Annunziata
by Retté, Adolphe
by Vogüé, Eugène-Melchior, vicomte de
by About, Edmond
by Doré, Gustave
by Moch, Gaston
by Diderot, Denis
by Phisterer, Frederick
by Pratt, Samuel
by Duke of York's Royal Military School
by Barlow, R. H. (Robert Hayward)
by Höcker, Gustav
by Marryat, Frederick
by Suppanen, Alma
by Bierbaum, Otto Julius
by Droop, Fritz
by Schnitzler, Arthur
by Stephens, Ann S. (Ann Sophia)
by Johnson, Allen
by Ogg, Frederic Austin
by Phillips, David Graham
by Derbyshire, Charles E.
by Rizal, José
by Froude, James Anthony
by Williams, W. Llewelyn (William Llewelyn)
by Jerrold, Walter
by Robinson, Charles
by Allen, James Lane
by Froude, James Anthony
by Rhys, Ernest
by Sinks, Perry Wayland
by Birmingham, Lloyd
by Galouye, Daniel F.
by Galton, Arthur
by Gordon, Thomas
by Tacitus, Cornelius
by Freeman, Edward A. (Edward Augustus)
by Freeman, Edward A. (Edward Augustus)
by Lempiranta, Arvo
by Reinwald, Theodor
by Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente
by Reina, Casiodoro de
by Valera, Cipriano de
by Reina, Casiodoro de
by Valera, Cipriano de
by Reina, Casiodoro de
by Valera, Cipriano de
by Reina, Casiodoro de
by Valera, Cipriano de
by Reina, Casiodoro de
by Valera, Cipriano de
by Atkinson, William Walker
by Pascal, Théophile
by Rothwell, Fred
by Stephens, James
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Maquet, Auguste
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Maquet, Auguste
by Aubry, J.-H.
by Richberg, Eloise O. Randall
by Jacobs, Aletta H. (Aletta Henriette)
by Vlaanderen, André
by Anonymous
by Crevaux, Jules
by Kalm, Pehr
by Amélineau, E. (Emile)
by Brondgeest, M. G.
by Jacobi, Margarete
by Koch, Henny
by Ottmann, L. (Louis)
by Schrödter, H.
by Twain, Mark
by Buchner, Max
by Schopenhauer, Johanna
by Geiger, Carl Ignaz
by Hauff, Hermann
by Humboldt, Alexander von
by Hauff, Hermann
by Humboldt, Alexander von
by Hauff, Hermann
by Humboldt, Alexander von
by Hauff, Hermann
by Humboldt, Alexander von
by Prokesch von Osten, Anton, Graf
by Bibra, Ernst, Freiherr von
by Bibra, Ernst, Freiherr von
by Pfeiffer, Ida
by Pfeiffer, Ida
by Hertzka, Theodor
by Prager, Max
by Jagor, Fedor
by Bülow, Frieda, Freiin von
by Eisenstein, Richard, Freiherr von und zu
by Dominik, Hans
by Ganghofer, Ludwig
by Schmidt auf Altenstadt, A. von
by Klaveren, L. M. van
by Couperus, Louis
by Hartmann, R. Julius (Reinhold Julius)
by Heldring, Louis
by Le Bon, Gustave
by Tissandier, Albert
by Saillard, M.
by Sevens, Theodoor
by Verschuur, Gerrit
by Evangeline
by Verne, Jules
by Hagen, Alfred
by Montano, Joseph
by Dufau, Th.
by Anonymous
by Charnay, Désiré
by Brandt, J.
by Darwin, Charles
by Verne, Jules
by Gewin, Bernardus
by Laak, W.F.C. van
by Brocherel, Jules
by Nieuwenhuijs, H. G.
by Willigen, Adriaan van der
by Lejean, Guillaume
by Stedman, John Gabriel
by Stedman, John Gabriel
by Stedman, John Gabriel
by Stedman, John Gabriel
by Stedman, John Gabriel
by Kann, Réginald
by Coen, Cornelis Janszoon
by Leupe, Pieter Arend
by Siebold, Philipp Franz von
by Vries, Maarten Gerritszoon
by Johnson, John
by Orban, Paul
by Smith, Horace
by Smith, James
by Pyle, Howard
by Bródy, Sándor
by Bródy, Sándor
by Warner, Anne
by Eccles, Charlotte O'Conor
by Fonseca, Sebastião da
by Anonymous
by Fernández, Juan Patricio
by Anonymous
by Barbosa, José
by La Peyrère, Isaac de
by Brasseur de Bourbourg, abbé
by Brasseur de Bourbourg, abbé
by Brasseur de Bourbourg, abbé
by Landa, Diego de
by Landa, Diego de
by Landa, Diego de
by La Peyrère, Isaac de
by Anonymous
by Beatty, John W. (John Wesley)
by Warner, Charles Dudley
by Olson, Oscar Ludvig
by Cartier, Jacques
by Michelant, Henri
by Ramé, Alfred
by Temple, Frederick
by Johns, C. H. W. (Claude Hermann Walter)
by Calderwood, Henry
by Edgerton, Joseph K. (Joseph Ketchum)
by Reichenbach, Hans
by Einstein, Albert
by Lawson, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Einstein, Albert
by Einstein, Albert
by Lawson, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Lawson, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Einstein, Albert
by Lawson, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Paiva de Andrada, Joaquim Carlos
by Paiva de Andrada, Joaquim Carlos
by Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic)
by Herbert, Charles
by Trollope, Anthony
by Dawson, John William, Sir
by Younghusband, Francis Edward, Sir
by Younghusband, G. J. (George John)
by Young, Filson
by Assézat, Jules
by Diderot, Denis
by Morley, Christopher
by Peabody, Frederick William
by Browne, Thomas, Sir
by Gardner, Ernest Arthur
by Harrington, M. R. (Mark Raymond)
by Hodge, Frederick Webb
by Walsh, James J. (James Joseph)
by Weir, James, Jr.
by Hardwick, J. C. (John Charlton)
by Tulloch, John
by Tawney, R. H. (Richard Henry)
by Sneath, E. Hershey (Elias Hershey)
by Yale University. Divinity School
by Lyth, J. (John)
by Cobbold, George A. (George Augustus)
by Kant, Immanuel
by Kehrbach, Karl
by Mitchell, Logan
by Bell, Robert
by Petrie, W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders)
by Cook, Stanley Arthur
by Bailey, Cyril
by Craigie, William A. (William Alexander), Sir
by Jastrow, Morris
by Pinches, Theophilus G. (Theophilus Goldridge)
by Hitchcock, Edward
by Carter, Jesse Benedict
by Oakesmith, John
by Gannett, Ezra S. (Ezra Stiles)
by MacCulloch, J. A. (John Arnott)
by Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
by Nukariya, Kaiten
by Cohen, Chapman
by Giles, Herbert Allen
by Sayce, A. H. (Archibald Henry)
by Hopkins, Edward Washburn
by Griffis, William Elliot
by Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison)
by Schlaf, Johannes
by Terry, Isaac
by Cope, Henry Frederick
by Hoffy, Alfred M.
by Lee, Jarena
by Fowler, W. Warde (William Warde)
by Odum, Howard Washington
by Ritchie, J. Ewing (James Ewing)
by Stevenson, Matilda Coxe
by Brydon, G. MacLaren (George MacLaren)
by Jacks, L. P. (Lawrence Pearsall)
by Brodhead, J. Napier (Jane Napier)
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by Various
by Rawlinson, A. E. J. (Alfred Edward John)
by Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison)
by Smith, Goldwin
by Velimirović, Nikolaj
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by Moore, Clifford Herschel
by Phillimore, Joseph
by Religious Tract Society (Great Britain)
by Anonymous
by Percy, Thomas
by Wheatley, Henry B. (Henry Benjamin)
by Percy, Thomas
by Wheatley, Henry B. (Henry Benjamin)
by Percy, Thomas
by Wheatley, Henry B. (Henry Benjamin)
by Queirós, Eça de
by Machado de Assis
by Calandra, Edoardo
by Grahame, Kenneth
by Slesar, Henry
by Robinson, Frank M.
by Sibley, Don
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Myers, Howard L.
by Chapman, George
by Elton, Charles Abraham, Sir
by Hesiod
by Trench, Melesina Chenevix St. George
by Trench, Richard Chenevix
by Anonymous
by Blackmore, R. D. (Richard Doddridge)
by Bryce, George
by Kingston, Charles
by Nye, Bill
by King, Edward
by Daniels, Addie Worth Bagley
by Daniels, Josephus
by Miles, Nelson Appleton
by Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell)
by Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel)
by Harrison, John
by Cook, James, Lieutenant
by Fielding, Sarah
by Warren, John Collins
by Barrow, Thomas
by West, J.
by Chandler, Henry W. (Henry William)
by McAdam, John Loudon
by Faucher, Léon
by Hankey, Thomson
by Anonymous
by Defoe, Daniel
by Hall, John
by Paul, William
by Morton, Edward
by Waring, Edward John
by Mayow, Mayow Wynell
by Scott, George Gilbert, Sir
by Macclesfield, George Parker, Earl of
by Hind, C. Lewis (Charles Lewis)
by Israëls, Jozef
by Knackfuss, H. (Hermann)
by Menpes, Mortimer
by Pfister, Kurt
by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
by Hurll, Estelle M. (Estelle May)
by Hind, Arthur Mayger
by Holman, Louis A. (Louis Arthur)
by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
by Burnet, John
by Lugt, Frits
by Morse, Peter
by Bell, Malcolm
by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
by Hind, Arthur Mayger
by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
by Ovid
by Riley, Henry T. (Henry Thomas)
by Wallace, Alfred Russel
by Giunta, John
by Kubilius, Walter
by Loomis, Noel M.
by Barr, Amelia E.
by Fehrenbach, T. R.
by Schoenherr, John
by Howe, Julia Ward
by Atley, Henry
by Barrett, Orvey S.
by Thompson, Samuel
by Forwood, William Bower, Sir
by Smith, Adelaide W.
by Newcomb, Simon
by Gordon, Home
by Hussey, Samuel Murray
by Bunin, Ivan Alekseevich
by Gorky, Maksim
by Koteliansky, S. S. (Samuel Solomonovitch)
by Kuprin, A. I. (Aleksandr Ivanovich)
by Woolf, Leonard
by Thompson, William, Colonel
by Langworthy, Daniel Avery
by Mixson, Frank M.
by Bevens, William E.
by Ham, George H. (George Henry)
by Dunaway, Wayland Fuller
by Young, Lot D.
by Scully, W. C. (William Charles)
by Lefevre, Edwin
by Gronow, R. H. (Rees Howell)
by Foote, G. W. (George William)
by Smith, Anna Bustill
by Dawson, Francis Warrington
by Doubleday, Abner
by Jarves, Deming
by Stevenson, Edward
by Gorky, Maksim
by Koteliansky, S. S. (Samuel Solomonovitch)
by Woolf, Leonard
by Taylor, Susie King
by Pryor, Sara Agnes Rice
by Moore, Frank
by Colmache, M., active 19th century
by Colmache, Madame
by Colmache, M., active 19th century
by Colmache, Madame
by Corfield, William Henry
by Cottle, Joseph
by Innes, Cosmo
by Ramsay, Edward Bannerman
by Olmstead, Charles H.
by Tillinghast, Pardon Elisha
by Brampton, Henry Hawkins, Baron
by Harris, Richard
by Boutwell, George S. (George Sewall)
by Boutwell, George S. (George Sewall)
by Doan, Isaac C.
by Mitchel, Cora
by Ledford, Preston Lafayette
by Anonymous
by Forbes-Mitchell, William
by Sloan, John A. (John Alexander)
by Kremnitz, Mite
by Whitman, Sidney
by Hersey, Charles
by Adams, John G. B. (John Gregory Bishop)
by La Farge, John
by Clark, William H.
by Calderon, George
by Tolstoi, Ilia Lvovich, graf
by Couchman, Harriet
by Tangye, Richard, Sir
by Batten, John M. (John Mullin)
by Addeman, Joshua M. (Joshua Melancthon)
by Mattson, Hans
by Peck, Rufus H.
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
by Northend, Mary Harrod
by Elsynge, Henry
by England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons
by Moser, Gustav von
by Della Casa, Giovanni
by Peterson, Robert, active 1576-1606
by Spingarn, Joel Elias
by Slouschz, Nahum
by Lee, Vernon
by Symonds, John Addington
by Symonds, John Addington
by Symonds, John Addington
by Symonds, John Addington
by Symonds, John Addington
by Symonds, John Addington
by Gebhart, Emile
by Baldwin, Charles Sears
by Clark, Donald Lemen
by Zimmern, Alice
by Myer, Edmund J. (Edmund John)
by Pater, Walter
by Pater, Walter
by Monod, Gabriel
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
by Grenier, Édouard
by Crane, Walter
by Millay, Edna St. Vincent
by Slouschz, Nahum
by Grant, Gordon
by Holmes, Mary Jane
by Fréchette, Louis Honoré
by Howells, William Dean
by Bernstein, Herman
by Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
by Goncourt, Edmond de
by Goncourt, Jules de
by Hallard, Alys
by Leal, António Duarte Gomes
by Morley, Margaret Warner
by Öhrvall, Hjalmar
by Stratton, Lilyan
by Mitford, Bertram
by Wood, Stanley L.
by Lever, Charles James
by Petherick, Horace
by Harrison, Harry
by Mindeleff, Cosmos
by Phillips, Rog
by Cerfberr, Anatole
by Christophe, Jules François
by McSpadden, J. Walker (Joseph Walker)
by Cerfberr, Anatole
by Christophe, Jules François
by McSpadden, J. Walker (Joseph Walker)
by Cerfberr, Anatole
by Christophe, Jules François
by McSpadden, J. Walker (Joseph Walker)
by Philadelphia Brigade Association
by Cassels, Walter Richard
by Pears, James Roberts
by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
by MacGregor, William
by Hobson, Elizabeth Christophers Kimball
by Hopkins, Charlotte Everett
by Davis, Richard Harding
by Allen, Harrison
by Halifax (N.S.). City Council. Special Committee on the Improvement of the Fire Department
by Episcopal Church. Diocese of Connecticut
by California. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition commission
by Filcher, J. A. (Joseph Adams)
by Wiggins, Frank
by Inglis, W. H.
by Cormack, W. E. (William Eppes)
by Wood, George W. (George Warren)
by New Zealand. General Assembly Library
by Wilson, Charles
by Burns, A. D.
by New Zealand. General Assembly Library
by Wilson, J. O.
by Mobile (Ala.). Committee on Causes and Extent of the Late Extraordinary Sickness and Mortality in the Town
by Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Committee Appointed to Investigate the Railroad Riots in July, 1877
by Draper, A. S. (Andrew Sloan)
by Harris, William Torrey
by Tarbell, H. S. (Horace Sumner)
by McMillan, D. G. (David Gervan)
by New Zealand. Committee of Inquiry into various aspects of the Problem of Abortion in New Zealand
by Cromer Ladies' Bible Association
by Chittenden, L. E. (Lucius Eugene)
by Howard, Benjamin C. (Benjamin Chew)
by Sanford, John F. A.
by Scott, Dred
by United States. Supreme Court
by Wentworth, Tappan
by Algie, R. M. (Ronald Macmillan)
by Knaresbrough Rail-Way Committee (Knaresborough, England)
by Great Britain. Board of Trade
by New Zealand. National Library Service
by American Colonization Society
by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs
by United States. Warren Commission
by Davis, Charles G. (Charles Gideon)
by United States. Circuit Court (Massachusetts)
by Great Britain. Board of Trade. Railway Department
by City of London (England). Commissioners of Sewers. Sanitary Committee
by Saunders, W. Sedgwick (William Sedgwick)
by Broadbridge, James
by Mazengarb, O. C. (Oswald Chettle)
by New Zealand. Special Committee on Moral Delinquency in Children and Adolescents
by Weston, A. W.
by Cox, Joseph Bradford
by Schurz, Carl
by Ireland. Ministry of Economic Affairs
by Australia. Queensland. Department of Ports and Harbours
by Low, A. P. (Albert Peter)
by Critchfield, Ammon B.
by National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice
by Wingate, George Wood
by Dutton, Clarence E. (Clarence Edward)
by Gilbert, Grove Karl
by Bryce, P. H. (Peter Henderson)
by Drummond, Willis
by Dutton, Clarence E. (Clarence Edward)
by Gilbert, Grove Karl
by Powell, John Wesley
by Thompson, A. H. (Almon Harris)
by Cordeaux, John
by Harvie-Brown, J. A. (John Alexander)
by Cordeaux, John
by Harvie-Brown, J. A. (John Alexander)
by Kermode, P. M. C. (Philip Moore Callow)
by Barrington, Richard Manliffe
by Cordeaux, John
by Harvie-Brown, J. A. (John Alexander)
by Kermode, P. M. C. (Philip Moore Callow)
by More, Alexander Goodman
by Barrington, Richard Manliffe
by Cordeaux, John
by Harvie-Brown, J. A. (John Alexander)
by More, Alexander Goodman
by Barrington, Richard Manliffe
by Cordeaux, John
by Harvie-Brown, J. A. (John Alexander)
by More, Alexander Goodman
by Barrington, Richard Manliffe
by Clarke, William Eagle
by Cordeaux, John
by Harvie-Brown, J. A. (John Alexander)
by More, Alexander Goodman
by Barrington, Richard Manliffe
by Clarke, William Eagle
by Cordeaux, John
by Harvie-Brown, J. A. (John Alexander)
by More, Alexander Goodman
by Barrington, Richard Manliffe
by Clarke, William Eagle
by Cordeaux, John
by Harvie-Brown, J. A. (John Alexander)
by More, Alexander Goodman
by Barrington, Richard Manliffe
by Clarke, William Eagle
by Cordeaux, John
by Harvie-Brown, J. A. (John Alexander)
by More, Alexander Goodman
by Olmsted Brothers
by Broadbridge, James
by Haeckel, Ernst
by Haeckel, Ernst
by Haeckel, Ernst
by Ruppelt, Edward J.
by Ruffner, William Henry
by Gooch, Daniel W. (Daniel Wheelwright)
by United States. Congress. Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War
by Wade, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin)
by Browne, G. Lathom (George Lathom)
by Stewart, C. G. (Charles G.), active 19th century
by Inter-Allied Commission of Enquiry into Atrocities in Yalova and Guemlek
by García Cubas, Antonio
by Hernández, Francisco
by Mendez, Santiago
by Sánchez de Aguilar, Pedro
by Saville, Marshall H. (Marshall Howard)
by Simon, John
by Chadwick, Edwin
by Belding, David Lawrence
by Massachusetts. Commissioners on Fisheries and Game
by Petruccelli della Gattina, Ferdinando
by Parker, A. M. (Alberta M.)
by Schellhas, Paul
by Wesselhoeft, Selma
by Avery, Emmett Langdon
by Woodward, Josiah
by Adams, Charles Kendall
by Adams, Charles Kendall
by Adams, Charles Kendall
by Alden, John B. (John Berry)
by Gayley, Charles Mills
by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
by Moses, Montrose Jonas
by Boker, George H. (George Henry)
by Moses, Montrose Jonas
by Thomas, Augustus
by Moses, Montrose Jonas
by Bunce, Oliver Bell
by MacKaye, Steele
by Moses, Montrose Jonas
by Burke, Charles
by Fitch, Clyde
by Moses, Montrose Jonas
by Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn
by Moses, Montrose Jonas
by Crocheron, Augusta Joyce
by Anonymous
by Dickens, Charles
by Dickens, Charles
by Bailey, James Blake
by Marat, Jean Paul
by Library of Congress. Copyright Office
by Robespierre, Maximilien
by Souvestre, Émile
by Souvestre, Émile
by Figuier, Louis
by Gillmore, Parker
by Mesnel, A.
by Neuville, Alphonse Marie de
by Riou, Edouard
by Hipkins, F. C. (Frederick Charles)
by Berchet, Guglielmo
by Pompilj, Guido
by Jowett, Benjamin
by Jowett, Benjamin
by Plato
by Plato
by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
by Featherstonhaugh, George William
by Niederlein, Gustavo
by Jowett, Benjamin
by Plato
by Hulton, William
by Villari, Luigi
by Dodd, Anna Bowman
by Bryusov, Valery Yakovlevich
by Ward, Herbert D. (Herbert Dickinson)
by Burger, D. (Dionijs)
by Plato
by Bryusov, Valery Yakovlevich
by Guenther, Johannes von
by Reclus, Elisée
by Tuttle, W. C. (Wilbur C.)
by Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary)
by Hamilton, Edmond
by Summers, Leo
by Anonymous
by Giacosa, Giuseppe
by Conrad, Joseph
by Sedgwick, Anne Douglas
by Conrad, Joseph
by Kjelgaard, Jim
by Shenton, Edward
by Silverberg, Robert
by Bacon, Albion Fellows
by Johnston, Annie F. (Annie Fellows)
by O'Hara, Thomas J.
by Seibert, Fred R.
by Smythe, James P.
by Elmgren, Sven Gabriel
by Wallin, Georg August
by Elmgren, Sven Gabriel
by Wallin, Georg August
by Davy, Humphry, Sir
by Bevan, E. J. (Edward John)
by Cross, C. F. (Charles Frederick)
by Hearn, George Whitehead
by Lindström, Gustaf
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by Clements, Frederic E. (Frederic Edward)
by Aguinaldo, Emilio
by Ivalo, Santeri
by Biggs, Charlotte
by Gifford, John
by Biggs, Charlotte
by Gifford, John
by Biggs, Charlotte
by Gifford, John
by Biggs, Charlotte
by Gifford, John
by Biggs, Charlotte
by Gifford, John
by Cooper, James Fenimore
by Larymore, Constance Belcher
by Stimson, Frederic Jesup
by Birrell, Augustine
by Fillebrown, Thomas
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Garrett, Randall
by Schoenherr, John
by Benedict, Francis Gano
by Carpenter, Thorne M. (Thorne Martin)
by Bose, Jagadis Chandra
by Moore, T. Sturge (Thomas Sturge)
by Yeats, W. B. (William Butler)
by Hewlett, Maurice
by Porter, Rebecca N. (Rebecca Newman)
by Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Stevens, William Dodge
by Smith, Joseph Fielding
by Widtsoe, Osborne J. P.
by Morehart, Malcolm B.
by Silva, Joaquim Possidónio Narciso da
by Maude, Louise
by Shea, Robert
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Butterworth, Frank
by Conner, H. T.
by Geuting, A. H.
by Hamilton, George F.
by Oxenford, John
by Gaughan, Jack
by Laumer, Keith
by Fréchette, Louis Honoré
by Austin-Jackson, Arthur
by Fabulet, Louis
by Kipling, Rudyard
by Brada
by Prévost, Marcel
by Delicado, Francisco, active 16th century
by Almeida Garrett, João Batista da Silva Leitão de Almeida Garrett, Visconde de
by French, John Denton Pinkstone, Earl of Ypres
by Gordon, George Stuart
by Corbett-Smith, Arthur
by Dakyns, Henry Graham
by Witt, C. (Carl)
by Xenophon
by Younghusband, Frances
by Cambridge, Ada
by Taylor, James Hudson
by Eddy, Mary Baker
by Grand Central Art Galleries
by Peter A. Juley & Son
by Sargent, John Singer
by Martineau, Harriet
by Martineau, Harriet
by De la Mare, Walter
by Freas, Kelly
by McGuire, John J. (John Joseph)
by McGuire, John J. (John Joseph)
by Piper, H. Beam
by Piper, H. Beam
by Barclay, Florence L. (Florence Louisa)
by St. Clair, Margaret
by Terry, W. E.
by Trollope, Anthony
by United States. Council of National Defense. Highways Transport Committee
by United States. Council of National Defense. Highways Transport Committee
by Housman, Laurence
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Gallun, Raymond Z. (Raymond Zinke)
by Allan, Luke
by Williams, Valentine
by Rohmer, Sax
by Bond, Nelson S.
by Krupa, Julian S.
by Belasco, David
by Moses, Montrose Jonas
by Belasco, David
by Rae, John
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Browne, Howard
by Borrow, George
by Wise, Thomas James
by Hardy, Thomas
by Hardy, Thomas
by Hardy, Thomas
by Hardy, Thomas
by Davis, Warren B.
by Frederic, Harold
by Sinclair, May
by West, Rebecca
by Hichens, Robert
by Enright, Elizabeth
by Krush, Beth
by Krush, Joe
by Doctorow, Cory
by Jakku, Evald
by Roberts, Charles G. D., Sir
by Spencer, Len
by Levy, Amy
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Hammond, Margaret F.
by Hammond, William Jackson
by Zola, Émile
by Heiner, Alvin
by Ardel, Henri
by Ardel, Henri
by Nerval, Gérard de
by Smith, F. G. (Frederick George)
by John, the Apostle, Saint
by Ames, A. H. (Alfred Henno)
by Garrison, Adele
by Julian, of Norwich
by Warrack, G. (Grace Harriet)
by Corday, Michel
by Tracy, Louis
by Porges, Arthur
by Barr, Robert
by Young, Edward
by Doolin, Joseph
by Hasse, Henry
by James, Henry
by Colette
by Créixams, Pere
by Sauvage, Marcel
by Souriau, Paul
by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
by Ashe, E. M. (Edmund Marion)
by Mitchell, Donald Grant
by Pearson, Francis B. (Francis Bail)
by Yeats, W. B. (William Butler)
by Nicholson, Meredith
by Bacon, Josephine Daskam
by Delafield, E. M.
by Elector
by Rivenburg, Romeyn Henry
by Tappan, Henry Philip
by Miller, Kelly
by Duellman, William Edward
by Duellman, William Edward
by Howell, Ithamar M. (Ithamar Martindale)
by Williams, Cora May
by Grote, George
by Woodward, A.
by Ross, Robert Baldwin
by Wilde, Oscar
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by National Prisoners' Aid Association
by Various
by Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich
by Hjelt, August
by De Lamater, John N.
by Bill o'th' Hoylus End
by Wellman, John
by Keynes, John Maynard
by Burgon, John William
by Hill, James Langdon
by Ingenieros, José
by Various
by Duffy, Charles Gavan, Sir
by Hyde, Douglas
by Sigerson, George
by Butler, Ellis Parker
by Harper, Charles G. (Charles George)
by Gottheil, Richard J. H. (Richard James Horatio)
by Snouck Hurgronje, C. (Christiaan)
by Cummings, Ray
by Morey, Leo
by Besant, Walter
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Fuqua, Robert
by Rocklynne, Ross
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Terry, W. E.
by Marquis, Don
by Gallun, Raymond Z. (Raymond Zinke)
by Bond, Nelson S.
by Lynch, Don (Artist)
by Edwards, Bill
by Selwyn, Carl
by Glanzman, Louis
by Ley, Willy
by Rockwell, Carey
by Abreu, Francisco Jorge de
by Abreu, Francisco Jorge de
by Reynolds, Mack
by Aveling, Eleanor Marx
by Engels, Friedrich
by Marx, Karl
by London, Jack
by Söderhjelm, Alma
by Stephens, H. Morse (Henry Morse)
by Parton, James
by Maurice, C. Edmund (Charles Edmund)
by Foster, Sophie Lee
by White, William Hale
by Shaw, Bernard
by Roussillon, Gabriel
by Vertot, abbé de
by Dunn, Jonathan
by Richardson, Dorothy M. (Dorothy Miller)
by Connellan, Thomas
by Amoreux, Pierre Joseph
by Craig, Frank
by Kipling, Rudyard
by Kipling, Rudyard
by Max, Frederic
by Braddock, Gordon
by Wrenn, Charles L. (Charles Lewis)
by Masefield, John
by Moore-Park, Carton
by Bleek, W. H. I. (Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel)
by Bensusan, S. L. (Samuel Levy)
by Davies, Randall
by Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn
by Bottema, Tjeerd
by Lens, J. (Jan)
by Pneu Michelin (Firm)
by Bahlmann, Paul
by Euripides
by Murray, Gilbert
by Clark, Donald Lemen
by Armour, Margaret
by Rackham, Arthur
by Wagner, Richard
by Hugo, Victor
by Hugo, Victor
by Hugo, Victor
by Hugo, Victor
by Bradley, Jack
by Meredith, George
by Meredith, George
by Meredith, George
by Meredith, George
by Meredith, George
by Meredith, George
by Kelly, Florence Finch
by Kinney, Margaret West
by Kinney, Troy
by Guernsey, Lucy Ellen
by Monroe, J. Albert (John Albert)
by Page, Gertrude
by Bangs, John Kendrick
by Carroll, Lewis
by Frost, A. B. (Arthur Burdett)
by Holiday, Henry
by Dom
by Cooper, Susan Fenimore
by Doepler, Carl Emil
by Orr, John William
by Dom
by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
by McAulay, Allan
by Lang, Andrew
by Dodge, Mary Mapes
by Winslow, Horatio
by Arthington, Maria
by Allingham, Helen Paterson
by Allingham, William
by Furniss, Harry
by Greenaway, Kate
by Paterson, Caroline
by Pollen, John
by Potter, Miriam Clark
by Stevens, Ruth Fuller
by Service, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Service, Robert W. (Robert William)
by Cotter, Frank J.
by Bell, J. J. (John Joy)
by Randall, Herbert
by Dum-Dum
by Whilt, James W.
by Christian, W. E.
by Field, George Blackstone
by Wright, M. E. S.
by Meynell, Alice
by Olsen, Bob
by Paul, Frank R. (Frank Rudolph)
by Sweven, Godfrey
by Taylor, James Hudson
by Leinster, Murray
by Van Dongen, H. R.
by Tenn, William
by Vestal, Herman B.
by Forteguerri, Niccolò
by Procacci, Giovanni
by Forteguerri, Niccolò
by Procacci, Giovanni
by Norris, Hugh Leigh
by Bennett, Arnold
by Churchill, Winston
by Churchill, Winston
by Churchill, Winston
by Churchill, Winston
by Churchill, Winston
by Churchill, Winston
by Churchill, Winston
by Churchill, Winston
by Churchill, Winston
by Brontë, Charlotte
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Phillips, E. W. (Emma Watts)
by Shakespeare, William
by Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
by Shakespeare, William
by Shakespeare, William
by Markham, Clements R. (Clements Robert), Sir
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Hains, T. Jenkins (Thornton Jenkins)
by Estlander, Carl Gustaf
by Ebers, Georg
by Underhill, Zoe Dana
by Edgeworth, Maria
by Edgeworth, Richard Lovell
by Tollemache, Beatrix L.
by Otis, James
by Mearns, Hughes
by Richardson, Thomas
by Aitken, George Atherton
by Steele, Richard, Sir
by Peyser, Herbert F. (Herbert Francis)
by Norgate, Kate
by Harris, Miriam Coles
by Champfleury
by Nurmi, Bruno
by Gautier, Judith
by L. S. J.
by Runciman, John F.
by Henderson, W. J. (William James)
by James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford)
by James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford)
by James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford)
by Lee, Hannah Farnham Sawyer
by Money, L. G. Chiozza (Leo George Chiozza)
by Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay)
by Bunyan, John
by Chaplin, Jeremiah
by Byrum, E. E. (Enoch Edwin)
by Dàuli, Gian
by London, Jack
by Gates, Eleanor
by Cathal, Michael
by Hunter, Mel
by Foster, Maximilian
by Gruger, Frederic Rodrigo
by Cleland, Robert
by Cleland, Robert
by Cleland, Robert
by Bonner, Geraldine
by Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.)
by Cullen, Joseph P.
by Norris, Kathleen Thompson
by MacKenzie, Compton
by Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand
by Garis, Howard Roger
by King, W. B.
by Garis, Howard Roger
by Goss, John
by Munroe, Kirk
by Rogers, W. A. (William Allen)
by Brooks, Louise
by Spyri, Johanna
by Guidi, Tommasina
by Rapisardi, Mario
by De Amicis, Edmondo
by De Amicis, Edmondo
by Simonin, Louis
by De Amicis, Edmondo
by De Amicis, Edmondo
by Elia, Augusto
by Elia, Augusto
by De Amicis, Edmondo
by Torelli, Luigi
by Becke, Louis
by Logeman, H. (Henri)
by Vedel, Vald.
by Aristophanes
by Muller, H. C. (Hendrik Clemens)
by Vletter, A. C. C. de
by Wildschut, George
by MacLaren, Gordon
by Hardy, Alice Dale
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by Hardy, Alice Dale
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by De Maris, Walter
by Hanshew, Mary E.
by Hanshew, Thomas W.
by Hanshew, Mary E.
by Hanshew, Thomas W.
by Hanshew, Thomas W.
by Hanshew, Mary E.
by Hanshew, Thomas W.
by Parkhill, Forbes
by Lefebure, Victor
by Craddock, Charles Egbert
by Frost, A. B. (Arthur Burdett)
by Childers, Erskine
by Hanshew, Mary E.
by Hanshew, Thomas W.
by Snell, Roy J. (Roy Judson)
by Haeckel, Ernst
by McCabe, Joseph
by Cullum, Ridgwell
by Caldecott, Randolph
by Trollope, Anthony
by Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel de Riqueti, comte de
by American Symphony Orchestra (West Orange, N.J.)
by Wagner, Richard
by Holmes, Augusta Macgregor
by Holmes, Augusta Macgregor
by Norton, Andre
by McGuinn, Roger
by Gould, Nat
by Schuyler, Remington
by White, William Patterson
by Fellom, James
by Scott, G. Firth
by Heffernan, Dean L.
by Grey, Zane
by Grey, Zane
by Brand, Max
by Brand, Max
by Synge, J. M. (John Millington)
by Sidney, Samuel
by Fuqua, Robert
by Marlowe, Stephen
by Abram, Edward
by De Windt, Harry
by Cone, Helen Gray
by Murray, W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison)
by Dubh, Scian
by Raine, William MacLeod
by Anderson, Edward L. (Edward Lowell)
by Collier, Price
by Tailer, T. Suffern
by Beach, Belle
by Kerr, W. A. (William Alexander)
by Corbould, A. Chantrey (Alfred Chantrey)
by O'Donoghue, Power, Mrs.
by Giberne, Edgar
by Whyte-Melville, G. J. (George John)
by Brinkerhoff, R. M. (Robert Moore)
by Knibbs, Henry Herbert
by Wood, Stanley L.
by Wilkuna, Kyösti
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron
by Schwarzkopf, Nikolaus
by Bommeli, R. (Rudolf)
by Baker, Samuel White, Sir
by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
by Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander)
by Reid, Mayne
by Hopkins, Alfred F.
by Russell, Carl Parcher
by United States. National Park Service
by Young, Rogers W.
by Rigby, W. O. (Will O.)
by Kahn, Otto H.
by Chapman, Maria Weston
by Newton, Richard Heber
by Yates, Edmund
by Yates, Edmund
by Yates, Edmund
by Ashton, John
by Behrend, Arthur C.
by Barbour, Ralph Henry
by Crump, Leslie
by Abernathy, Robert
by Poulton, Peter
by Barbour, Ralph Henry
by Crump, Leslie
by Barbour, Ralph Henry
by Crump, Leslie
by Wilson, Daniel, Sir
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Wodehouse, P. G. (Pelham Grenville)
by Thorpe, T. E. (Thomas Edward)
by Van-Anderson, Helen
by Channing, W. H. (William Henry)
by Hillis, Newell Dwight
by Hoit, T. W. (True Worthy)
by Kirk, William Frederick
by Martin, H. B.
by Roosevelt, Theodore
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Grimké, Archibald Henry
by Masefield, John
by Schelling, George
by Teichner, Albert
by Taft, William H. (William Howard)
by Campbell, A. C. (Archibald Colin)
by Grotius, Hugo
by Hill, David Jayne
by Hay, Ian
by Barbour, Ralph Henry
by Crump, Leslie
by Cummings, Ray
by Berryman, John
by Schelling, George
by Kerr, Charles H.
by Lafargue, Paul
by Spencer, Herbert
by Brandeis, Louis Dembitz
by Warren, Samuel D. (Samuel Dennis)
by Sarrazin, Pierre
by Sarrazin, Pierre
by Stallman, Richard
by Stallman, Richard
by Agee, Alva
by Child, Lydia Maria
by Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison)
by Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison)
by Ahlqvist, August
by Benedix, Roderich
by Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich
by Silvanto, Reino
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Pekari, Ida
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Pekari, Ida
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Pekari, Ida
by Blanche, August
by Thomasson, Pehr
by Conscience, Hendrik
by Posenaer, Maria
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Stern, Adolf
by Riley, James Whitcomb
by Riley, James Whitcomb
by Dyer, W. B. (William Buckingham)
by Riley, James Whitcomb
by Riley, James Whitcomb
by Vawter, Will
by Riley, James Whitcomb
by Vawter, Will
by Riley, James Whitcomb
by Vawter, Will
by Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud)
by Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud)
by North, Grace May
by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
by Mitre, Bartolomé
by Parducci, Amos
by Zaccagnini, Guido
by Guerrini, Olindo
by Aragona, Tullia d'
by Celani, Enrico
by Halbertsma, Eeltsje
by Halbertsma, Justus Hiddes
by Halbertsma, Tjalling
by Sytstra, O. H. (Onno Harmens)
by Wiersma, Ids
by Wumkes, G. A. (Geert Aeilco)
by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
by Saint-Saëns, Camille
by Anderson, Ada Woodruff
by Bower, B. M.
by Fischer, Anton Otto
by Ingman, A. E. (Alfred Emil)
by Coolidge, Dane
by Gage, George W.
by Dunn, J. Allan, (Joseph Allan)
by Jón Hjaltason
by Aiazzi, Giuseppe
by Ariosto, Lodovico
by Giampieri, Innocenzo
by Bechstein, Ludwig
by Heyse, Paul
by Keller, Adelbert von
by Wittenweiler, Heinrich, active 15th century
by Galt, John
by Binder, Otto
by Harrison, S. Frances (Susie Frances)
by Rollins, Alice Wellington
by Meade, L. T.
by Arthur, Robert
by Barth, Ernest Kurt
by Anonymous
by Brooke, L. Leslie (Leonard Leslie)
by Kunz, George Frederick
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Neill, John R. (John Rea)
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Paterson, A. B. (Andrew Barton)
by Great Britain. Parliament
by Great Britain. Parliament
by Roarke, Jesse
by Goodwin, Harold L. (Harold Leland)
by Goodwin, Harold L. (Harold Leland)
by Gorky, Maksim
by Marjanen, V. A.
by Mason, Walt
by Irving, Washington
by Irving, Washington
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Rackham, Arthur
by Cornell, Fred C. (Frederick Carruthers)
by Perrault, Charles
by Ripart, Georges
by Koch, Paul
by McLean, George N.
by Balzac, Honoré de
by Wormeley, Katharine Prescott
by Roberts, B. H. (Brigham Henry)
by Towne, Charles Hanson
by Davis, Jefferson
by Davis, Jefferson
by Huxley, Thomas Henry
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by Roger, Charles
by Mitchell, Broadus
by Cahan, Abraham
by Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield
by Pratt, Edwin A.
by Lincoln, Joseph Crosby
by Howells, William Dean
by Clayton, Joseph
by Van Loon, Hendrik Willem
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Motley, John Lothrop
by Flick, Alexander Clarence
by Turner, Frederick Jackson
by Saki
by Haskins, Charles Homer
by O'Brien, James Bronterre
by Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay)
by Lawson, Henry
by Mackie, John
by Tarbell, Ida M. (Ida Minerva)
by Brown, William Wells
by Moore, Alonzo D.
by Smith, Elijah W. (Elijah William)
by Deland, Margaret Wade Campbell
by Taylor, F. Walter (Frank Walter)
by Grant, Madison
by Stoddard, Lothrop
by Schoonover, Frank E.
by Schultz, James Willard
by Ivie, Larry
by Westlake, Donald E.
by Leino, Kasimir
by Järventaus, Arvi
by Pulkkinen, Salomo
by Järventaus, Arvi
by Kouta, Aarni
by Anttila, Selma
by Aurén, Petter Wilhelm
by Gumpert, Thekla von
Rita (English)
by Barry, Etheldred B. (Etheldred Breeze)
Rita (English)
by Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Hämeen-Anttila, Väinö
by Maquet, Auguste
by Erskine, John
by Nyman, Väinö
by Kirtland, John Copeland
by Kirtland, John Copeland
by Ritchie, Francis
by Ritchie, Francis
by Freeman, Philip
by Phillpotts, Henry
by De Amicis, Edmondo
by Barrili, Anton Giulio
by Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von
by Hartland, Edwin Sidney
by Radin, Paul
by Compton, Berdmore
by Cowan, James Galloway
by Order of the Eastern Star. General Grand Chapter
by Gowing, Louis D.
by Smith, Ruel Perley
by Gowing, Louis D.
by Smith, Ruel Perley
by Shute, A. B.
by Smith, Ruel Perley
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Strickland, Agnes
by Crake, A. D. (Augustine David)
by Chadwick, Lester
by Colborne, Elizabeth
by Scott, Morgan
by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
by Barbour, Ralph Henry
by Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.)
by Cheney, H. V. (Harriet Vaughan)
by Whitfield, Raoul
by Westerman, Percy F. (Percy Francis)
by Williams, C. Fleming
by Aiken, Albert W.
by Abba, Giuseppe Cesare
by Ness, Bertha
by Werner, E.
by Ness, Bertha
by Werner, E.
by Aiken, Ednah
by Riesenberg, Sidney H.
by Bellasis, E. S. (Edward Skelton)
by Neihardt, John G.
by White, Stewart Edward
by Burroughs, John
by Palacio Valdés, Armando
by Brabourne, Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen, Baron
by Doré, Gustave
by White, Stewart Edward
by Gordon, Harry
by Gordon, Harry
by Davis, J. Watson
by Gordon, Harry
by Davis, J. Watson
by Gordon, Harry
by Davis, J. Watson
by Gordon, Harry
by Gordon, Harry
by Davis, J. Watson
by Gordon, Harry
by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
by Ferguson, Robert
by Graydon, William Murray
by Koteliansky, S. S. (Samuel Solomonovitch)
by Kuprin, A. I. (Aleksandr Ivanovich)
by Murry, John Middleton
by Belloc, Hilaire
by Muirhead, John
by Greene, Homer
by Coleman, Ralph P. (Ralph Pallen)
by Spears, Raymond S. (Raymond Smiley)
by Bradley, A. G. (Arthur Granville)
by Palmer, Sutton
by Edwards, H. C. (Harry C.)
by Stuart, Ruth McEnery
by Curwood, James Oliver
by Anonymous
by Boxer, Percy Noel
by Woollard, Dorothy
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Teasdale, Sara
by Churchill, Winston
by Cabell, James Branch
by Molnár, Ferenc
by Treves, Frederick
by Gibbons, Herbert Adams
by Hornby, Lester G. (Lester George)
by Armaroli, Leopoldo
by Casini, Tommaso
by Verri, Carlo, conte
by Budrys, Algis
by Hipolito, Pilar J. Lazaro
by Craig, Austin
by Rizal, José
by Sargent, John Singer
by Swinnerton, Frank
by Belloc, Hilaire
by London, Jack
by Sassoon, Siegfried
by Potter, Burton Willis
by Wilson, Woodrow
by Stuart, G. B. (Grace Benedicta)
by Masters, F. B. (Frank B.)
by Merwin, Samuel
by Schulz, Paul E.
by Fairless, Michael
by Fairless, Michael
by Taylor, Will F.
by Southern Pacific Company. Passenger Department
by McMurry, Richard M.
by Wiley, Bell Irvin
by Haworth, M. E. (Martin E.)
by Allinson, Anne C. E. (Anne Crosby Emery)
by Guiney, Louise Imogen
by Henry, O.
by Mason, David
by Barker, Shirley
by Ollén, Gunnar
by Rawson, Graham
by Strindberg, August
by Hill, C. W. (Cedric Waters)
by Jones, E. H. (Elias Henry)
by Merwin, Samuel
by Powell, E. Alexander (Edward Alexander)
by Virginia. History, Government, and Geography Service
by Croker, B. M. (Bithia Mary)
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Neill, John R. (John Rea)
by Edwards, H. C. (Harry C.)
by Stephens, Robert Neilson
by Daviess, Maria Thompson
by Brackett, Leigh
by Finlay, Virgil
by Samuel, Horace Barnett
by Schnitzler, Arthur
by Blumenschein, Mary Shepard Greene
by Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman)
by Chambless, Edgar
by Franck, Harry Alverson
by Ferber, Edna
by Huntington, George
by James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford)
by Cuthell, Edith E.
by Foster, A. J.
by Schiller, Friedrich
by A. L. O. E.
by Keller, Gerard
by Scott, Walter
by Boldrewood, Rolf
by Maryan, M.
by Zùccoli, Luciano
by Meyer, Annie Nathan
by Blum, Hans
by Andrews, C.
by Schultz, Marie
by Masson, Flora
by Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)
by Dowden, Edward
by Herford, C. H. (Charles Harold)
by Phelps, William Lyon
by Setoun, Gabriel
by Shairp, John Campbell
by Drinkwater, John
by Neilson, William Allan
by Angellier, Auguste
by Angellier, Auguste
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by David, Charles W. (Charles Wendell)
by Hill, Ruth
by Ward, Humphry, Mrs.
by Ward, Humphry, Mrs.
by Guiney, Louise Imogen
by MacDonald, George
by Lang, Andrew
by Murray, R. F. (Robert Fuller)
by Sutcliffe, Alice Crary
by Parsons, William Barclay
by Dickinson, Thomas H.
by Greene, Robert
by Sheldon, Charles M.
by Daudet, Alphonse
by Ensor, Laura
by Lauer, Philippe
by Flagg, James Montgomery
by Spearman, Frank H. (Frank Hamilton)
by Black, Margaret Moyes
by Raleigh, Walter Alexander, Sir
by Simpson, E. Blantyre (Evelyn Blantyre)
by Le Gallienne, Richard
by Japp, Alexander H. (Alexander Hay)
by Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
by Various
by Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
by Various
by Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
by Various
by Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
by Various
by Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
by Various
by Deane, David J.
by Hobbes, John Oliver
by Hicklin, John
by Roberts, Hugh
by Peyser, Herbert F. (Herbert Francis)
by Robert, Henry M. (Henry Martyn)
by Stovall, Pleasant A.
by Sage, William
by Galdemar, Ange
by Sardou, Victorien
by Burton, W.
by Fenn, George Manville
by Bruce, Mary Grant
by Burnett, Frances Hodgson
by Holloway, Edgar A.
by Boucher, Anthony
by Kramer, Frank
by Findlater, Jane Helen
by Findlater, Mary
by McAulay, Allan
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Creswick, Paul
by McSpadden, J. Walker (Joseph Walker)
by Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers)
by Bewick, Thomas
by Buckman, Edwin
by Ritson, Joseph
by Tourrier, Alfred Holst
by Cundall, Joseph
by Gilbert, John
by Anonymous
by Finnemore, John
by Tervaskanto, Jussi
by Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic)
by Barnes, Robert
by Molesworth, Mrs.
by Defoe, Daniel
by Defoe, Daniel
by Defoe, Daniel
by Defoe, Daniel
by Suomalainen, Samuli
by Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers)
by Borel, Pétrus
by Defoe, Daniel
by Borel, Pétrus
by Defoe, Daniel
by Aikin, Lucy
by Defoe, Daniel
by Aikin, Lucy
by Defoe, Daniel
by Optic, Oliver
by Nast, Thomas
by Wells, David Ames
by Defoe, Daniel
by Nicholson, F. H.
by Chisholm, Louey
by Defoe, Daniel
by Lang, John
by Robinson, Will Bennett
by Campe, Joachim Heinrich
by Defoe, Daniel
by Goffaux, François Joseph
by Aimard, Gustave
by Schoppe, Amalie
by Gamba, Giuseppe
by Salgari, Emilio
by Hedman, Valfrid
by Verne, Jules
by Defoe, Daniel
by Krafft, Adolf
by Jammes, Francis
by Montolieu, Isabelle de
by Wyss, Johann David
by Robinson, Stephen L. (Telegrapher)
by Byron, May
by Muckley, Angelo Fairfax
by Holt, Emily Sarah
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Kennedy, John Pendleton
by Finlay, Virgil
by Smith, E. E. (Edward Elmer)
by Wolf, Mari
by Defauconpret, A.-J.-B. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste)
by Scott, Walter
by Scott, Walter
by Scott, Walter
by Scott, Walter
by Tapper, Thomas
by Verne, Jules
by Verne, Jules
by Verne, Jules
by Ayres, Christovam
by Verne, Jules
by Verne, Jules
by Verne, Jules
by Caccianiga, Antonio
by Mason, David
by Temple
by Unknown
by Yates, Edmund
by Yates, Edmund
by André, George G. (George Guillaume)
by Jones, Owen Glynne
by Newell, Peter
by Newell, Peter
by Bennett, Keith
by McWilliams, Al
by Collins, Michael
by Murphy, Lynne C.
by Bradbury, Ray
by Knight, Helen C. (Helen Cross)
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Munn, Charles Clark
by Barr, Robert
by Toplady, Augustus
by Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander)
by Keller, Arthur Ignatius
by Seawell, Molly Elliot
by Cole, Grenville A. J. (Grenville Arthur James)
by Dell, Ethel M. (Ethel May)
by Standish, Burt L.
by Wilberforce, Samuel
by Rathborne, St. George
by Grant, Madison
by United States. Department of the Interior
by Alberts, Edwin C. (Edwin Cameron)
by Mills, Enos A.
by Castlemon, Harry
by Landquist, John
by Strindberg, August
by McGuinn, Roger
by Merriman, Henry Seton
by Young, Stanley Paul
by Tuttle, W. C. (Wilbur C.)
by James, Henry
by Creswick, Thomas
by Finden, Edward Francis
by Finden, W. (William)
by Southey, Robert
by Coquiot, Gustave
by Latham, T.
by Cladel, Judith
by Huneker, James
by Star, S. K.
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich
by Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur
by Rahsin, E. K.
by Becke, Louis
by Woolson, Constance Fenimore
by Powys, John Cowper
by Hannay, David
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Castlemon, Harry
by White, George G. (George Gorgas)
by Castlemon, Harry
by Goss, John
by Lane, John V. (John Veasey)
by Cody, H. A. (Hiram Alfred)
by Anthony, William A. (William Arnold)
by Thompson, Edward P. (Edward Pruden)
by Lima, Jaime de Magalhães
by Baird, Frank
by Jefferys, Charles W. (Charles William)
by Bolles, John R. (John Rogers)
by Williams, Anna B. (Anna Bolles)
by Reed, Talbot Baines
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Rogers, Edmund Dawson
by Rogers, Will
by Rogers, Mary Cochrane
by Brereton, F. S. (Frederick Sadleir)
by Wood, Stanley L.
by Pollard, Eliza F.
by Hocking, Joseph
by King, Gunning
by Hall, May Emery
by Strickland, Arthur Barsazou
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Webb, Archibald
by Roget, Peter Mark
by Roget, Peter Mark
by Neera
by Bridges, Victor
by Arting, Fred J.
by Whitney, Elliott
by Finlay, Virgil
by Schmitz, James H.
by MacKenzie, Compton
by Sims, George R.
by Awdelay, John, active 1559-1577
by Furnivall, Frederick James
by Harman, Thomas, active 1567
by Viles, Edward
by Bridges, Roy
by Collins, Wilkie
by Capes, Bernard
by Orban, Paul
by Stockheker, R. W. (Ralph Walter)
by Schwob, Marcel
by Aicard, Jean
by Roux, George
by Welschinger, Henri
by Dick, Vinceslas-Eugène
by About, Edmond
by Auzias-Turenne, Raymond
by Guizot, François
by Shakespeare, William
by Guizot, François
by Shakespeare, William
by Lemaître, Jules
by Hugo, Victor
by Du Casse, Albert
by Arber, Edward
by Udall, Nicholas
by Houssaye, Arsène
by Janin, Jules Gabriel
by Nortamo, Hjalmar
by Browne, Hablot Knight
by Lever, Charles James
by Browne, Hablot Knight
by Lever, Charles James
by Ariosto, Lodovico
by Reynard, Francisque
by Ariosto, Lodovico
by Reynard, Francisque
by Ariosto, Lodovico
by Reynard, Francisque
by Ariosto, Lodovico
by Reynard, Francisque
by Machar, Agnes Maule
by Noël, Eugène
by Waugh, Alec
by Wood, Henry, Mrs.
by Seton, Ernest Thompson
by Inha, Into Konrad
by Seton, Ernest Thompson
by Bennett, Arnold
by Quiller-Couch, Arthur
by Ellis, George
by Laurence, French
by Richardson, Joseph
by Tickell, Richard
by Croker, B. M. (Bithia Mary)
by Henry, O.
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Chappell, George S. (George Shepard)
by Kent, Rockwell
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Baker, William Jay
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Abbott, Jacob
by Smith, Laura Rountree
by Barbagallo, Corrado
by Ferrero, Guglielmo
by Barbagallo, Corrado
by Ferrero, Guglielmo
by Barbagallo, Corrado
by Ferrero, Guglielmo
by Elliott, John
by Elliott, Maud Howe
by Paul, Cedar
by Paul, Eden
by Zweig, Stefan
by Kingsley, Charles
by Müller, F. Max (Friedrich Max)
by Dillaway, Charles K. (Charles Knapp)
by Botsford, George Willis
by Asselineau, Charles
by Fournier, Edouard
by Furetière, Antoine
by Haverfield, F. (Francis)
by Anonymous
by Conrad, Joseph
by Ford, Ford Madox
by Russell, William Ingraham
by Pimentel, Alberto
by Valle-Inclán, Ramón del
by Castelo Branco, Camilo
by Ribeiro, Tomás
by Medonça, Salvador de
by Sirven, Alfred
by Lynde, Francis
by Braga, Teófilo
by Almeida Garrett, João Batista da Silva Leitão de Almeida Garrett, Visconde de
by Almeida Garrett, João Batista da Silva Leitão de Almeida Garrett, Visconde de
by Gale, Zona
by Wall, H. C. (Hermann Carl)
by Hunt, Alice Ercle
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Bailey, Vernon Howe
by Hungerford, Edward
by Smith, Laurence Yard
by Gautier, Théophile
by Sumichrast, Frederick C. de (Frederick Caesar de)
by Field, Roswell Martin
by Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson
by Feuillet, Octave
by Guilhem, Simont
by Harland, Henry
by Edwards, Pierrepont
by Feuillet, Octave
by Wallack, Lester
by Roddick, Amy Redpath
by Milne, James
by Levy, Amy
by Rice, Alice Caldwell Hegan
by Jameson, Mrs. (Anna)
by Jameson, Mrs. (Anna)
by Slater, J. Herbert (John Herbert)
by Habberton, John
by Proctor, Mary
by Catherwood, Mary Hartwell
by Reeve, Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin)
by Masters, David
by Kirkman, Marshall M. (Marshall Monroe)
by Murray, David Christie
by Griffith, George Chetwynd
by Pearse, Alfred
by Cholmondeley, Mary
by Cochrane, Robert
by Moore-Park, Carton
by Selous, Edmund
by Speed, Lancelot
by Burton, Isabel, Lady
by Wilkins, W. H. (William Henry)
by Burton, Isabel, Lady
by Wilkins, W. H. (William Henry)
by Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich
by Trench, Herbert
by Anonymous
by Belloc, Hilaire
by Tussaud, John Theodore
by Ditchfield, P. H. (Peter Hampson)
by Grew, Edwin Sharpe
by Smit, Joseph
by Woodward, Alice B.
by Williams, Archibald
by Williams, Archibald
by Gilliat, Edward
by Prater, Ernest
by Stacey, W. S. (Walter S.)
by Vedder, Simon Harmon
by Adam, Juliette
by Weekley, Ernest
by Gosse, Philip Henry
by Crawford, Mary Caroline
by Elliot, G. F. Scott (George Francis Scott)
by Scott, G. Firth
by Champney, Elizabeth W. (Elizabeth Williams)
by Martin, John
by Martin, John
by United States Rubber Company
by United States Rubber Company
by Dadd, Stephen T.
by Selous, Edmund
by Speed, Lancelot
by MacBeth, R. G. (Roderick George)
by Heyse, Paul
by Safford, Mary J.
by Runciman, James
by Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel
by Burgess, Gelett
by Radcliffe, Ann Ward
by Leonowens, Anna Harriette
by Bardsley, Charles Wareing Endell
by Ealand, C. A. (Charles Aubrey)
by Hearn, Lafcadio
by Mitchell, John Ames
by Edgerton, Gladys
by Jammes, Francis
by Conner, E. Palmer
by Casson, Herbert Newton
by Starmer, W. P.
by Wright, Edgar
by Yapp, Arthur K. (Arthur Keysall)
by Child, Lydia Maria
by McCabe, Joseph
by Staveley, Lilian
by Longfellow, Marian
by Sue, Eugène
by Whishaw, Frederick
by Janvier, Thomas A. (Thomas Allibone)
by Smedley, W. T. (William Thomas)
by Savigny, Annie G. (Annie Gregg)
by Bédier, Joseph
by Bédier, Joseph
by Belloc, Hilaire
by Belloc, Hilaire
by Corelli, Marie
by Corbin, Thomas W.
by Grant, James
by Grant, James
by Grant, James
by Grant, James
by Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley)
by Vine Hall, Edgar
by Weekley, Ernest
by Coppée, François
by Coppée, François
by Coppée, François
by Coppée, François
by Coppée, François
by Le Gallienne, Richard
by García Lorca, Federico
by Anonymous
by Milá y Fontanals, Manuel
by Clark, Barrett H. (Barrett Harper)
by Rostand, Edmond
by Ozaki, Yei Theodora
by Leighton, Alexander
by Raleigh, Walter Alexander, Sir
by Le Goffic, Charles
by Fournel, Victor
by Scarron, Paul
by Montoya, Gabriel
by Magre, Maurice
by Maël, Pierre
by Guillaume, de Lorris
by Jean, de Meun
by Guillaume, de Lorris
by Jean, de Meun
by Guillaume, de Lorris
by Jean, de Meun
by Guillaume, de Lorris
by Jean, de Meun
by Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich
by Sorrèze, Jacques
by Pergaud, Louis
by Bédier, Joseph
by Michel, Francisque
by Robert, Louis de
by Loti, Pierre
by Feuillet, Octave
by Feuillet, Octave
by Bernard, Tristan
by Eliasberg, Alexander
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Bianchi, Augusto Guido
by M., Antonino
by Ramhorst, Friedrich Wilhelm
by Various
by Graf, Arturo
by Graf, Arturo
by Vine, W.E. (William Edwy)
by Lebert, Marie
by Rostand, Edmond
by Cato, Marcus Porcius
by Harrison, Fairfax
by Varro, Marcus Terentius
by Fowler, W. Warde (William Warde)
by Maigron, Louis
by Brodribb, William Jackson
by Church, Alfred John
by Freese, John Henry
by Livy
by Osborne, Duffield
by Ammianus Marcellinus
by Yonge, Charles Duke
by Howells, William Dean
by Betten, Francis S. (Francis Sales)
by Haverfield, F. (Francis)
by Story, William Wetmore
by Busk, Rachel Harriette
by Church, Alfred John
by Macmillan, Hugh
by Moldován, Gergely
by Borrow, George
by Malling, Mathilda
by Lubbock, Percy
by Sellar, W. Y. (William Young)
by Sellar, W. Y. (William Young)
by Sellar, W. Y. (William Young)
by Abbott, Frank Frost
by Lord, Frances E. (Frances Ellen)
by Greenidge, A. H. J. (Abel Hendy Jones)
by About, Edmond
by Coape, Henry C. (Henry Coe)
by Paris, Paulin
by Paris, Paulin
by Paris, Paulin
by Kenrick, John
by Gautier, Théophile
by Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion)
by Dill, Samuel
by Arnold, Edward Vernon
by Sinclair, May
by Hardy, Thomas
by Hardy, Thomas
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Skupeldyckle, W. W.
by Borrow, George
by Hayward, Victoria
by Watson, Edith S.
by Caird, Mona
by Pennell, Joseph
by Synge, Edward Millington
by Mason, Daniel Gregory
by Mansfield, M. F. (Milburg Francisco)
by McManus, Blanche
by Mansfield, M. F. (Milburg Francisco)
by McManus, Blanche
by Rovetta, Gerolamo
by Arlen, Michael
by Bates, Cornelia Frances
by Bates, Katharine Lee
by Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo
by Finck, Henry T.
by Chambers, Robert
by Bryce, George
by O'Shea, John Augustus
by O'Shea, John Augustus
by Addison, A. C. (Albert Christopher)
by Grant, Robert
by Nagel, Oskar
by Hesse, Hermann
by Herbert, Henry William
by Herbert, Henry William
by Robbers, Herman Johan
by Buysse, Cyriel
by Bruce, J. Collingwood (John Collingwood)
by Brittain, Alfred
by Cuttriss, Frank
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Parker, Gilbert
by Borrow, George
by Borrow, George
by Borrow, George
by Knapp, William I. (William Ireland)
by Watts-Dunton, Theodore
by Borrow, George
by Sampson, John
by Robert, de Boron, active 13th century
by Brentano, Clemens
by Heine, Heinrich
by Panzini, Alfredo
by Sperani, Bruno
by Vertua Gentile, Anna
by Schoener, Reinhold
by Hausknecht, Emil
Rome (English)
by Fowler, W. Warde (William Warde)
Rome (English)
by Malleson, Hope
Rome (English)
by Pisa, Alberto
Rome (English)
by Tuker, M. A. R. (Mildred Anna Rosalie)
Rome (French)
by Zola, Émile
by Hoare, Edward
by Richards, Fred
by Griffiths, Arthur
by Dicey, Edward
by Shakespeare, William
by Shakespeare, William
by Shakespeare, William
by Shakespeare, William
by Burgersdijk, L. A. J. (Leendert Alexander Johannes)
by Shakespeare, William
by Guizot, François
by Shakespeare, William
by Paszkowski, Józef
by Shakespeare, William
by Cajander, Paavo Emil
by Shakespeare, William
by Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
by Shakespeare, William
by Shakespeare, William
by Wieland, Christoph Martin
by Stendhal
by Hoare, Edward
by Townsend, John Hume
by Hoare, Edward
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
by Mommsen, Theodor
by Mommsen, Theodor
by Mommsen, Theodor
by Mommsen, Theodor
by Mommsen, Theodor
by Mommsen, Theodor
by Davies, Randall
by Hind, C. Lewis (Charles Lewis)
by Eliot, George
by Abbott, Jacob
by Pretor, Alfred
by Hoggans, T.
by Kingston, William Henry Giles
by Dieudonné, Florence Carpenter
by Maspons i Labrós, Francesc
by Kosztolányi, Dezső
by Mann, Heinrich
by Nelson, George
by Brand, Max
by Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Baroness
by Horsfall, R. Bruce (Robert Bruce)
by Sharp, Dallas Lore
by Betham-Edwards, Matilda
by Buck, Charles Neville
by Conrey, Lee F.
by Plattsburgh Barracks (N.Y.)
by Ainsworth, William Harrison
by Kouta, Aarni
by Rydberg, Viktor
by Birt, Theodor
by Pakarinen, Weikko
by Pelkonen, Lauri
by Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
by Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic)
by Green, Anna Katharine
by Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan)
by Molineux, Roland Burnham
by Wells, Carolyn
by Hagedorn, Hermann
by Roosevelt, Theodore
by Stout, Ralph
by Lennep, J. van (Jacob)
by Petersham, Maud
by Petersham, Miska
by Sandburg, Carl
by Petersham, Maud
by Petersham, Miska
by Sandburg, Carl
by Fletcher, J. S. (Joseph Smith)
by Dixon, Thomas, Jr.
by Morris, William
Rope (English)
by Hall, Holworthy
by Snell, Roy J. (Roy Judson)
by Bordeaux, Henry
by Boddam-Whetham, J. W. (John Whetham)
by Yeats, W. B. (William Butler)
by Cooper, Frederic Taber
by Crastre, François
by Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay
by Keller, Arthur Ignatius
by Nicholson, Meredith
by Baldwin, Edward Chauncey
by Lodge, Thomas
by Holmes, Mary Jane
by Dell, Ethel M. (Ethel May)
by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
by Anonymous
by Barclay, Florence L. (Florence Louisa)
by Barclay, Florence L. (Florence Louisa)
by Wright, Anna Potter
by Saunders, Marshall
by Young, H. de M.
by Lathrop, George Parsons
by Lucas, E. V. (Edward Verrall)
by Thackeray, William Makepeace
by Thackeray, William Makepeace
by Lewes, George Henry
by Lewes, George Henry
by Lewes, George Henry
by Gerson, Virginia
by Fern, Fanny
by Stooke, Eleanora H.
by James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford)
by Assollant, Alfred
by Widdemer, Margaret
by Alcott, Louisa May
by Alcott, Louisa May
by Du Maurier, George
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by McCutcheon, George Barr
by Jones, Thomas S. (Thomas Samuel)
by Rodd, Rennell
by Wilde, Oscar
by Kutzer, Ernst
by Siebe, Josephine
by Brown, Alice
by Gooch, Thelma
by Lawrence, Josephine
by Hatherell, William
by Williamson, A. M. (Alice Muriel)
by Williamson, C. N. (Charles Norris)
by Smith, Effie Waller
by Holden, Martha Everts
by Read, Opie Percival
by Hatherell, William
by Williamson, A. M. (Alice Muriel)
by Williamson, C. N. (Charles Norris)
by Holmes, Mary Jane
by Anonymous
by Barr, Amelia E.
by La Farge, John
by Whitney, Helen Hay
by Garland, Hamlin
by Daviess, Maria Thompson
by King, W. B.
by Castaigne, J. André
by Dillon, Mary (Mary C. Johnson)
by Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.)
by Pyle, Howard
by Castle, Agnes
by Castle, Egerton
by Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion)
by Shettsline, W. J.
by White, Grace Miller
by Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith
by Pujo, Alice
by Fenn, George Manville
by Kingsley, Rose Georgina
by Page-Roberts, F.
by Anet, Claude
by Frank, Grace
by Sudermann, Hermann
by Eberhart, Adelaide
by Woodruff, Jane Scott
by Andrews, Henry Cranke, active 1799-1828
by Budge, E. A. Wallis (Ernest Alfred Wallis), Sir
by Heindel, Max
by Barney, Maginel Wright
by Fillmore, Parker
by Dos Passos, John
by Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Sharp, R. Farquharson (Robert Farquharson)
by Asp, Hilda Maria
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Tangerud, Odd
by Ibsen, Henrik
by Lange, Wilhelm
by O'Donovan Rossa, Jeremiah
by Hare, T. Leman (Thomas Leman)
by Marillier, H. C. (Henry Currie)
by Pissarro, Lucien
by Boyer, Ralph L. (Ralph Ludwig)
by Garland, John
by Hesse, Hermann
by Barrili, Anton Giulio
by Barrili, Anton Giulio
by Duchess
by Ross, Alexander
by Thwaites, Reuben Gold
by Rückert, Friedrich
by Brady, Robert
by Maxfield, Albert
by Amory, Charles Bean
by Armstrong, James
by DeLane, Nelson H.
by Johnson, Harold Stanley
by Schiller, Friedrich
by Siljo, Juhani
by McAndrew, James
Rosy (English)
by Molesworth, Mrs.
by Richthofen, Manfred, Freiherr von
by Heymann, Robert
by Bogdanov, A. (Aleksandr)
by Zur Mühlen, Hermynia
by Abernathy, Robert
by Finlay, Virgil
by France, Anatole
by Lehtimäki, Konrad
by Faure, Élie
by Licquet, Théodore
by Stendhal
by Bertrand, Huguette
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by Maggard, James H.
by Aycock, Roger D.
by Barberis
by Buckstone, John Baldwin
by Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury)
by McCutcheon, John T. (John Tinney)
by Moodie, Susanna
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Roosevelt, Theodore
by Brereton, F. S. (Frederick Sadleir)
by Wood, Stanley L.
by Locke, William John
by MacDonald, George
by Lemaistre, J. G. (John Gustavus)
by Peet, T. Eric (Thomas Eric)
by Hunter, Mel
by Janis, Jean M.
by Proctor, Richard A. (Richard Anthony)
by Kremnitz, Mite
by Beza, Marcu
by Brătescu-Voinești, I. Al. (Ioan Al.)
by Byng, Lucy
by Caragiale, I. L. (Ion Luca)
by Creangă, Ion
by Delavrancea, Barbu
by Negruzzi, Leon C.
by Popovici-Bănățeanu, Ion
by Sadoveanu, Mihail
by Slavici, Ioan
by Samuelson, James
by Jefferies, Richard
by Pember Reeves, Mrs.
by Day, Susanne R. (Susanne Rouviere)
by Thackeray, William Makepeace
by Thackeray, William Makepeace
by Stockton, Frank R.
by Crosse, Andrew F.
by Gordon, W. J. (William John)
by Whymper, Edward
by Howells, William Dean
by Bouton, John Bell
by Fyfe, H. B. (Horace Bowne)
by Wood, Wallace
by Banks, Nancy Huston
by Lamson, J. (Joseph)
by Coolidge, Susan
by Merrill, Frank T.
by Peel, W. H.
by McRoberts, Walter
by Wright, Grant
by Hodgson, E. S. (Edward Smith)
by Westerman, Percy F. (Percy Francis)
by Brown, Abbie Farwell
by Webb, Margaret Ely
by Bouton, John Bell
by Cannan, Gilbert
by Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.)
by Richmond, Grace S. (Grace Smith)
by Thurston, Maud
by Castaigne, J. André
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Russell, William Clark
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Doyle, Arthur Conan
by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn
by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn
by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn
by Forrest, A. S. (Archibald Stevenson)
by Mitton, G. E. (Geraldine Edith)
by Carnegie, Andrew
by Frith, Henry
by Verne, Jules
by Michael, A. C. (Arthur C.)
by Strang, Herbert
by Holbrook, Florence
by Serviss, Garrett Putman
by Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen
by Broekstad, H. L.
by O'Brien, Henry
by Day, Edmund
by Miller, Marion Mills
by Murray, John
by Cohen, Chester
by Giunta, John
by Hensel, Paul
by Babbitt, Irving
by Morley, John
by Garcie, Pierre
by Maillard, Olivier
by Berry, Don
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Comfort, Will Levington
by Justice, Martin
by Routledge, George
by Anttila, Werner
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Maquet, Auguste
by Lempiranta, Arvo
by Runeberg, Fredrika Charlotta Tengström
by Anttila, Werner
by Habberton, John
by Halbe, Max
by Siljo, Juhani
by Conrad, Joseph
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Richards, Dick
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Rogers, Walter S. (Walter Stanton)
by Stratemeyer, Edward
by Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael)
by Collingwood, Harry
by Symons, William Christian
by Novaro, Angiolo Silvio
by Ferrero, Guglielmo
by Ferrero, Leo
by Faldella, Giovanni
by Henty, G. A. (George Alfred)
by Rainey, W. (William)
by Van Doren, Carl
by Lucas, E. V. (Edward Verrall)
by Bower, B. M.
by Pryer, William Stephen
by Blackmore, Edwin Gordon
by Crum, W. E. (Walter Ewing)
by Davis, G. L.
by Lehmann, R. C. (Rudolf Chambers)
by Nickalls, Guy
by Pitman, C. M.
by Robinson, Bertram
by Gibbs, A. Hamilton (Arthur Hamilton)
by Rowlandson, Thomas
by Grego, Joseph
by Rowlandson, Thomas
by Grego, Joseph
by Rowlandson, Thomas
by Chatterton, Thomas
by Giberne, Agnes
by Wood, Lawson
by Royal Baking Powder Company
by M. H. (Matilda Horsburgh)
by Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
by Neill, John R. (John Rea)
by Thompson, Ruth Plumly
by Bowley, May
by Brundage, Frances
by Nesbit, E. (Edith)
by Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret)
by Reid, George
by Harland, Henry
by Davenport, Cyril
by Binney, Thomas
by Royal Baking Powder Company
by Anonymous
by Peachey, Emma
by Curtis, A. Cecil
by Mann, Thomas
by Jones, Bence
by Dumas, Alexandre
by Williams, Henry Llewellyn
by Hyde, James Wilson
by Maunder, E. Walter (Edward Walter)
by Mansfield, M. F. (Milburg Francisco)
by McManus, Blanche
by Calvert, Albert Frederick
by R. H. (Robert Howlett)
by Turnbull, Lawrence, Mrs.
by Leighton, John
by Allain, Marcel
by Souvestre, Pierre
by Arnold, Whately C.
by Grant, James
by Tyrrell, Chas. A. (Charles Alfred)
by Tyrrell, Chas. A. (Charles Alfred)
by Durland, Kellogg
by Dalton, William
by Werntz, Carl
by Hügel, Pauline, freiherrin von
by Thiselton-Dyer, T. F. (Thomas Firminger)
by Molloy, J. Fitzgerald (Joseph Fitzgerald)
by Harper, Charles G. (Charles George)
by L'Estrange, A. G. K. (Alfred Guy Kingan)
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Hastings, Howard L. (Howard Livingston)
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Owen, Robert Emmett
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Hastings, Howard L. (Howard Livingston)
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Hastings, Howard L. (Howard Livingston)
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Hastings, Howard L. (Howard Livingston)
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Hastings, Howard L. (Howard Livingston)
by Barbour, Harold S.
by Fitzhugh, Percy Keese
by Hubbard, Elbert
by Ceynowa, Florian Stanisław
by Ceynowa, Florian Stanisław
by Various
by Rowland, Helen
by Speakman, Harold
by Little, Mary Wallace Bundy
by Strothmann, F. (Frederick)
by Wells, Carolyn
by Herford, Oliver
by Preston, May Wilson
by Wells, Carolyn
by Relyea, C. M. (Charles M.)
by Riley, James Whitcomb
by Duff, J. L.
by Burgess, Gelett
by FitzGerald, Edward
by Omar Khayyam
by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
by FitzGerald, Edward
by Jami
by Omar Khayyam
by Irwin, Wallace
by Dulac, Edmund
by FitzGerald, Edward
by Omar Khayyam
by Browne, Edith A.
by Sloane, T. O'Conor (Thomas O'Conor)
by Boreham, Frank
by Agee, George W. (George Washington)
by Bensusan, S. L. (Samuel Levy)
by Hare, T. Leman (Thomas Leman)
by Knackfuss, H. (Hermann)
by Reichhardt, Rudolf
by Siegert, Eugen
by Koch, Rosalie
by Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic)
by Sack, Gustav
by Retté, Adolphe
by Jamieson, Molly E.
by Paull, George A., Mrs.
by Pyle, Howard
by Whittaker, Frederick
by Mitford, Bertram
by Piffard, Harold
by Grünfeld, Walter
by Junghuhn, Franz Wilhelm
by Stockton, Frank R.
by Stockton, Frank R.
by Fergusson, James
by Eddy, Mary Baker
by Eddy, Mary Baker
by Leeds, W. H. (William Henry)
by Grimthorpe, Edmund Beckett, Baron
by Dodd, George
by Hobbs, A. C.
by Tomlinson, Charles
by Venning, Mary Anne
by Talvio, Maila
by Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
by Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
by Garnett, Constance
by Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich
by Jones, Abel J. (Abel John)
by Pyrker, János László
by Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
by Stratton, Helen
by Palmer, John
by Courtney, W. L. (William Leonard)
by Langer, Angela
by Espina, Concha
by Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry IV, King of France
by Bouniol, Bathild
by Bouniol, Bathild
by Bouniol, Bathild
by American Thread Company
by American Thread Company
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by Wilson, Harry Leon
by Holt, Rosa Belle
by Kallio, O. A. (Oskar Albin)
by Machiavelli, Niccolò
by Saarikoski, K. K.
by Tolstoy, Aleksey Konstantinovich, graf
by Auer, Eino
by Sabatini, Rafael
by Aikio, Matti
by Schantz, Aksel von
by Bent, J. Theodore (James Theodore)
by Swan, R. M. W. (Robert McNair Wilson)
by Walmsley, Hugh Mulleneux
by Chantepleure, G. (Guy)
by Claretie, Jules
by Volney, C.-F. (Constantin-François)
by Hewlett, Maurice
by Folkard, W. A. (William A.)
by Gilbert, John
by Roberts, Mary
by Bucke, Charles
by Bucke, Charles
by Groneman, I. (Isaac)
by J. H.
by Wright, Thomas
by Volney, C.-F. (Constantin-François)
by Penning, L. (Louwrens)
by Steelink, Wilm. (Willem)
by Charivarius
by Henty, G. A. (George Alfred)
by Barclay, Florence L. (Florence Louisa)
by Fletcher, John
by Garibaldi, Giuseppe
by Malleson, G. B. (George Bruce)
by Stephens, H. Morse (Henry Morse)
by Malleson, G. B. (George Bruce)
by Hunter, William Wilson
by Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn
by Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander)
by Davis, Richard Harding
by Lewis, Thomas
by James, John
by James, John
by Pozzo, Andrea
by Pozzo, Andrea
by Sturt, John
by Sturt, John
by Kleinlein, Walter J. (Walter John)
by California. State Board of Charities and Corrections
by Stockton State Hospital (Calif.)
by Cutter, Charles A. (Charles Ammi)
by Bradley, Henry
by Hart, Horace
by Murray, James Augustus Henry, Sir
by Oxford University Press
by Hiller, Lejaren A.
by White, Stewart Edward
by Western Grammar School (Brompton, England)
by Philadelphia. Board of health
by Van Dyke, Henry
by Gaster, Moses
by Carossa, Hans
by Bartholomew, Stephen
by Emshwiller, Ed
by Grimm, Jacob
by Grimm, Wilhelm
by Hawthorne, Julian
by Hood, George
by Ashman, William
by Coppel, Alfred
by McWilliams, Al
by Samachson, Joseph
by Cooper, Michael D.
by Otis, James
by Dulin, Dorothy
by Smith, Laura Rountree
by Bridgman, L. J. (Lewis Jesse)
by Poulsson, Emilie
by Bell, Lilian
by Newell, Peter
by Unknown
by Gould, Nat
by Leinster, Murray
by Lory, Robert
by Hildebrand, Gustav
by Windisch, Josef
by Riesemann, Oskar von
by Vasenius, Valfrid
by Mundy, Talbot
by Geier, Chester S.
by Terry, W. E.
by Craft, Ellen
by Craft, William
by Brehm, George
by Fisher, Harrison
by Osborne, William Hamilton
by Gregor, Elmer Russell
by Hutchison, D. C.
by Connolly, James B. (James Brendan)
by Kauffman, Reginald Wright
by Taylor, Thomas E.
by Yates, Edmund
by Baker, George M. (George Melville)
by Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley)
by Edgar, John G. (John George)
by Hughes, L. K.
by Rhys, Ernest
by Cajander, Paavo Emil
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
by Heine, Heinrich
by Keats, John
by Kramsu, Kaarlo
by Mäkinen, Antti
by Ridderström, Knut Ferdinand
by Tuomikoski, Jaakko
by Uotila, Oskar
by Brummer, F. F. (Frans Ferdinand)
by Brummer, F. F. (Frans Ferdinand)
by Järventaus, Arvi
by Fogazzaro, Antonio
by Palola, Eino
by Hellaakoski, Aaro
by Kaatra, Kössi
by Koskenniemi, Veikko Antero
by Onerva, L.
by Schrowe, Uno von
by Stenbäck, Lars
by Tarkiainen, Viljo
by Weijola, Yrjö
by Dahlberg, T. J. (Thure Johan)
by Pietikäinen, Abraham
by Pietikäinen, Abraham
by Pietikäinen, Abraham
by Pietikäinen, Abraham
by Pietikäinen, Abraham
by Helkiö, Onni E. (Onni Elias)
by Juva, Valter
by Nuormaa, Severi
by Ganander, Christfrid
by Leino, Kasimir
by Gottlund, C. A. (Carl Axel)
by Soini, Lauri
by Siljo, Juhani
by Kivi, Aleksis
by Koskenniemi, Veikko Antero
by Hidén, K. J. (Karl Julius)
by Horace
by Godenhjelm, B. F. (Bernhard Fredrik)
by Aristotle
by Calamnius, J. W. (Johan Wiktor)
by Raitio, Konstantin
by Braddon, M. E. (Mary Elizabeth)
by Page, Thomas Nelson
by Jylhä, Yrjö
by Aulén, Johan
by Trolle, Henrik af
by Kataja, Väinö
by Gottlund, C. A. (Carl Axel)
by Salminen, Väinö
by Hope, Anthony
by Scott, Eva
by Alger, Horatio, Jr.
by Straub, Harriet
by Čapek, Karel
by Allen, Lewis F. (Lewis Falley)
by Orr, John William
by Ogden, Henry N. (Henry Neely)
by Kennedy, Joseph
by Bewick, Thomas
by Howitt, William
by Williams, Samuel
by Plunkett, Horace Curzon, Sir
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by Various
by United States. Council of National Defense. Highways Transport Committee
by Groves, Ernest R. (Ernest Rutherford)
by Cobbett, William
by Bloomfield, Robert
by Fairchild, Geo. T. (George Thompson)
by Čapek, Karel
by Playfair, Nigel
by Selver, Paul
by Hello, Ernest
by Ruusbroec, Jan van
by Surius, Laurentius
by Moore, George
by Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred
by Zola, Émile
by Davenport, Spencer
by Davenport, Spencer
by Collingwood, W. G. (William Gershom)
by Ruskin, John
by Burr, Agnes Rush
by Conwell, Russell H.
by Tomkins, Floyd W. (Floyd Williams)
by Wallace, Donald Mackenzie
by Singleton, Esther
by Graham, Stephen
by Ransome, Arthur
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by Pardo Bazán, Emilia, condesa de
by Murray, Marr
by Kuropatkin, A. N. (Alekseĭ Nikolaevich)
by Lindsay, A. B. (Alexander Bertram)
by Swinton, E. D. (Ernest Dunlop)
by Kuropatkin, A. N. (Alekseĭ Nikolaevich)
by Lindsay, A. B. (Alexander Bertram)
by Swinton, E. D. (Ernest Dunlop)
by Bull, René
by Johnson, A. E. (Alfred Edwin)
by Smith, Pamela Colman
by Terry, Ellen
by Mewes, George H.
by Washburn, Stanley
by Ralston, William Ralston Shedden
by Bain, R. Nisbet (Robert Nisbet)
by Gere, Charles M. (Charles March)
by Polevoi, P. (Petr)
by Afanas'ev, A. N. (Aleksandr Nikolaevich)
by Magnus, Leonard A. (Leonard Arthur)
by Rosciszewski, J. R. de
by Steele, Robert Reynolds
by Aksakov, S. T. (Sergei Timofeevich)
by Duff, J. D. (James Duff)
by Benda, Wladyslaw T. (Wladyslaw Theodore)
by Houghton, Louise Seymour
by Krauss, Friedrich S. (Friedrich Salomo)
by Bury, Herbert, Bp.
by Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich, kniaz
by Bianchi, Martha Dickinson
by Graham, Stephen
by Novikova, Olga Alekseevna
by Edmands, Jane Loring
by Vogüé, Eugène-Melchior, vicomte de
by Newmarch, Rosa
by Sheridan, Clare
by Griffiths, Arthur
by Dole, Nathan Haskell
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Hapgood, Isabel Florence
by Golder, Frank Alfred
by Harper, Samuel N. (Samuel Northrup)
by Kerner, Robert Joseph
by Petrunkevitch, Alexander
by Rangelovska, Lidija
by Vaknin, Samuel
by Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
by Fell, Marian
by Papé, Frank Cheyne
by Wilson, Richard
by Denikin, Anton Ivanovich
by Shumsky-Solomonov, C. M.
by Custine, Astolphe, marquis de
by Custine, Astolphe, marquis de
by Custine, Astolphe, marquis de
by Custine, Astolphe, marquis de
by Asakawa, Kan'ichi
by Williams, Frederick Wells
by Hasluck, Paul N. (Paul Nooncree)
by Macy, James Cartwright
by Mascagni, Pietro
by Menasci, Guido
by Targioni-Tozzetti, Giovanni
by Darwin, Francis, Sir
by Wright, Elizabeth Mary
by Briggs, Martin S. (Martin Shaw)
by Hamilton, Cosmo
by Ogden, George W. (George Washington)
by Schoonover, Frank E.
by Chapman, Arthur
by Grey, Zane
by Cooke, M. C. (Mordecai Cubitt)
by Baroja, Pío
Ruth (English)
by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn
by Andreas-Salomé, Lou
by Kloosterman, Simke
by Byerley, Lucy
by Pansy
by Clark, Louise
by Pansy
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Emerson, Alice B.
by Fern, Fanny
by Anonymous
by Graham, Harry
by Otis, James
by Balmer, Edwin
by Betts, Harold Harrington
by Glass, Charles Wilder, Mrs.
by Harris, Miriam Coles
by Mäkelä, August Bernhard
by Palmén, J. A. (Johan Axel)
by Lagervall, Jacob Fredrik
by Hugo, Victor
by Mousinho de Albuquerque, Luís da Silva
by Underhill, Evelyn
by Maeterlinck, Maurice
by Ruusbroec, Jan van
by Stoddart, Jane T.
Rx (English)
by Emshwiller, Ed
Rx (English)
by Nourse, Alan Edward
by Hodgins, J. George (John George)
by Betson, Thomas
by Zola, Émile
by Wuori, Martti
by Lampén, O. E.
by Stevenson, Robert Louis
by Verhaeren, Emile
by Kianto, Ilmari