Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922

Adam, Paul, 1849-1931

Adams, Oscar Fay, 1855-1919

Aiken, Conrad, 1889-1973

Alden, John B. (John Berry), 1847-1924

Aldred, Thomas, 1866-1953

Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

AlHydar, Majid

Allan, P. B. M. (Philip Bertram Murray), 1884-1973

Allen, Charles Dexter, 1865-1926

Allison, Young Ewing, 1853-1932

Almack, Edward, 1852-1917

American Book Company

American Library Association. General Meeting


Arce, Pascual de Gayangos y

See: Gayangos, Pascual de, 1809-1897

Arnold, Edward, 1857-1942

Arnold, Gertrude Weld, 1868-1941

Ashton, John, 1834-1911

Asse, Eugène, 1830-1901

Atheling, William

See: Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972

Aungerville, Richard

See: Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345

Bailey, Arthur Low, 1867-1940

Baird & Co.

See: Henry Carey Baird & Co.

Baldwin, James, 1841-1925

Ballantyne and Company

See: James Ballantyne and Co.

Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse, 1840-1914


See: Wright, Mabel Osgood, 1859-1934

Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine), 1834-1924

Barry, Florence V. (Florence Valentine)

Bassett, Sara Ware, 1872-1968

Bean, Florence O. (Florence Ordway), 1868-1944

Beauchamp, J. de

See: Le Petit, Jules, 1845-1915

Beaufort, H. L. de (Henri Louis), 1880-1960

Bell & Sons

See: George Bell & Sons

Bennett, Paul A., 1897-1966

Benton, Josiah H., Jr. (Josiah Henry), 1843-1917

Bernard, Auguste, 1811-1868

Betten, Francis S. (Francis Sales), 1863-1942

B.G. Teubner (Firm)

B., H. G.

See: H. G. B.

Bigmore, E. C. (Edward Clements), 1838?-1899

Blackie & Son

Blades, William, 1824-1890

Bliss, Sands, & Foster

Bodley Head (Firm)

Boston Philatelic Society

Boston Public Library

Bostwick, Arthur E. (Arthur Elmore), 1860-1942

Bouchot, Henri, 1849-1906

Boulmier, Joseph, 1821-

Bradley, Henry, 1845-1923

Bradley, Marion Zimmer, 1930-1999

Bradley, Will, 1868-1962

Brent, Stuart, 1912-2010

British Museum. Department of Manuscripts

Brito, Gomes de, 1843-1923

Broadley, Alexander Meyrick, 1847-1916

Brockhaus, Heinrich Eduard, 1829-1914

Brodhead, John C.

Browne, Irving, 1835-1899

Brown, James Duff, 1862-1914

Brown, Margaret Wright

Brown, Stephen J. M. (Stephen James Meredith), 1881-1962

Brunius, August, 1879-1926

Bruno, Guido, 1884-1942

Büchting, Adolph, 1817-1875

Buck, Mitchell S. (Mitchell Starrett), 1887-1959

Burnett, Dorothy Louise

See: Wesley, Dorothy Porter, 1905-1995

Burns, A. D.

Burton, John Hill, 1809-1881

Bury, Richard de, 1287-1345

Caffin, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1854-1918

Campbell, Theophila Carlile, 1837-1913

Čapek, Anna V. (Anna Vostrovský), -1956

Čapek, Thomas

See: Capek, Thomas, 1861-1950

Capek, Thomas, 1861-1950

Carey & Hart

Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879

Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Carrie, William Lowe, 1854-1916

Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898

Cassell & Company

Cather, Willa, 1873-1947

Caxton, William, 1422?-1492?

Chambers Ltd.

See: W. & R. Chambers Ltd.

Chandler, Henry W. (Henry William), 1828-1889

Chapman and Hall

Chatto & Windus (Firm)

Chinnery, William, 1708-1791

Cim, Albert, 1845-1924

Cimochowski, Albert Antoine

See: Cim, Albert, 1845-1924

C. Kegan Paul & Co.

Clarendon Press

See: Oxford University Press

Clark, John Willis, 1833-1910

Clemons, Emily C. (Emily Catherine)

See: Pearson, Emily C. (Emily Clemens), 1818-1900

Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. (Thomas James), 1840-1922

Cockerell, Douglas, 1870-1945

Colcraft, Henry Rowe

See: Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864

Conan Doyle, Arthur, Sir

See: Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930

Congreve, William, 1670-1729

Constable (Firm)

Coussens, Penrhyn Wingfield, 1873-1944

Crane, Walter, 1845-1915

Crosby Lockwood and Son

Cunha, Xavier da, 1840-1920

Curwen, Henry, 1845-1892

Cutter, Charles A. (Charles Ammi), 1837-1903

Da Cunha, Xavier

See: Cunha, Xavier da, 1840-1920

Daly, James, 1948-


See: Lamb, George C. (George Chester), 1906-1939

Damon, Gene, 1933-2011

Dana, John Cotton, 1856-1929

Daumier, Honoré, 1808-1879

Davenport, Cyril, 1848-1941

Davison, Lawrence H. (Lawrence Herbert)

See: Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930

D. D. Cottrell's Subscription Agency

De Beaufort, H. L. (Henri Louis)

See: Beaufort, H. L. de (Henri Louis), 1880-1960

De Gayangos, Pascual

See: Gayangos, Pascual de, 1809-1897

De Lara, D. Laurent (David Laurent)

See: Laurent de Lara, D. (David)

Delepierre, Octave, 1802-1879

Dell, Floyd, 1887-1969

Detroit news

Deubner, Ludwig, 1877-1946

De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914

De Voragine, Jacobus

See: Jacobus, de Voragine, 1229?-1298

Dewey, Melvil, 1851-1931

Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 1776-1847

Dick & Fitzgerald

Dickinson, Asa Don, 1876-1960

Dieck, Herman

Ditchfield, P. H. (Peter Hampson), 1854-1930

Doane, Alice Mary

Dobie, J. Frank (James Frank), 1888-1964

Dobson, William T.

Doctorow, Cory, 1971-

Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge

See: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930

Doyle, John

See: Graves, Robert, 1895-1985

Duff, E. Gordon (Edward Gordon), 1863-1924

Dufour, Pierre

See: Jacob, P. L., 1806-1884

Durey, John

See: Dury, John, 1596-1680

Durie, John

See: Dury, John, 1596-1680

Du Roure, Auguste François Louis Scipion de Grimoard Beauvoir, 1783-1858

Dury, John, 1596-1680

Dutton (E. P.) and Company

See: E.P. Dutton (Firm)

D. Van Nostrand Company

Edmund, Peggy

See: Fanning, C. E. (Clara Elizabeth), 1878-1938

Edwards, Edward, 1812-1886

E. & F. N. Spon

Egan, Maurice Francis, 1852-1924

Electronic Resource Preservation and Access Network


Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965

Elton, Charles Isaac, 1839-1900

Elton, Mary Augusta, 1838-1914

E.P. Dutton (Firm)


Evans, Molly

Fagan, Louis, 1845-1903

Faithfull, Emily, 1836?-1895

Fanning, C. E. (Clara Elizabeth), 1878-1938

Faribault, G.-B. (Georges-Barthélemi), 1789-1866

Farrer, James Anson, 1849-1925

Feilde, Matthew

Felton, Samuel

Field, Eugene, 1850-1895

Firkins, Ina Ten Eyck, 1866-1937

Fitch, George Hamlin, 1852-1925

Fletcher, William Younger, 1830-1913

Fontaine, Henri La

See: La Fontaine, Henri, 1854-1943

Ford, John Sawtelle

Ford, Thomas K.

Forster, H. C.

Foster, Finley Melville Kendall, 1892-1953

Fouché Gaines, Helen

See: Gaines, Helen Fouché, 1888-1940

Frank, John Christian

Frederick Warne and Co.

French, George, 1853-1935

Gage, Harry Lawrence, 1887-1982

Gaines, Helen Fouché, 1888-1940

Garnett, Richard, 1835-1906

Gausseron, Bernard Henri, 1845-1913

Gayangos, Pascual de, 1809-1897

General Meeting of the American Library Association

See: American Library Association. General Meeting

Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore, 1805-1861

George Bell & Sons

George Redway (Firm)

Gérardin, François-Alexandre-Alfred, -1905

G. J. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung

Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart), 1809-1898

Gomes de Brito, José Joaquim

See: Brito, Gomes de, 1843-1923

Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung

See: G. J. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung

Gottheil, Richard J. H. (Richard James Horatio), 1862-1936

Gould, Sabine Baring

See: Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine), 1834-1924

Government Printing Office (U.S.)

See: United States. Government Printing Office

Graves, Robert, 1895-1985

Graves, Walter Stanley

Gray, Niel, Jr.

Greening & Co. Ltd.

Greg, W. W. (Walter Wilson), 1875-1959

Gress, Edmund G. (Edmund Geiger), 1872-1934

Griffin, Appleton P. C. (Appleton Prentiss Clark), 1852-1926

Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh

Griggs, William, 1832-1911

Grolier Club

Hadley, Chalmers, 1872-1958

Halfer, Josef, -1916

Halsey, Rosalie Vrylina

Hamilton, Frederick W. (Frederick William), 1860-1940

Hamilton, Walter, 1844-1899

Hardy, William John, 1857-1919

Harper, Henry Howard, 1871-1953

Harris, William James

Hart, Horace, 1840-1916

Hart, Michael, 1947-2011

Hart, W. H. (William Henry), -1888

Hassell, Susan Whitcomb

Hatchard & Son

See: J. Hatchard and Son

Hatteras, Owen

See: Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956

Hazeltine, Alice Isabel, 1878-1959

Hazlitt, William Carew, 1834-1913

Heine, Thomas Theodor, 1867-1948

Helfer, Joseph

See: Halfer, Josef, -1916

Hemphill, John M., 1924-2000

Henry Carey Baird & Co.

Henry S. King (Publisher)

Herkimer County Historical Society

H. G. B.

Hickcox, John H., 1832-1897

Hindley, Charles, -1893

Hinton, A. Horsley (Alfred Horsley), 1863-1908

Hitchcock, Frederick H. (Frederick Hills), 1867-1928

Hodges, John Cunyus, 1892-1967

Hoe, Robert, 1839-1909

Hofer, Philip, 1898-1984

Holme, Charles, 1848-1923

Holyoake, George Jacob, 1817-1906

Horsley-Hinton, A. (Alfred)

See: Hinton, A. Horsley (Alfred Horsley), 1863-1908

Houben, H. H. (Heinrich Hubert), 1875-1935

H. S. King & Co.

See: Henry S. King (Publisher)

Hulett, James, -1771

Hulme, E. Wyndham, 1859-1954

Humphreys, Arthur Lee, 1865-1946

Hurst & Blackett

Hutchinson, Thomas (Engraver)

Hutt, James, 1870-

Ingersoll, R. Sturgis (Robert Sturgis), 1891-

Institut international de bibliographie

See: International Institute of Bibliography

International Institute of Bibliography

Irvine, Leigh H. (Leigh Hadley), 1863-1942

Isaac Pitman & Sons

Ivers & Co.

See: M.J. Ivers & Co.

Ives, George Burnham, 1856-1930

Jachnin, Rissa

See: Yachnin, Rissa

J. & A. Churchill

Jackson, Margaret

Jacob, P. L., 1806-1884

Jacobus, de Voragine, 1229?-1298

James Ballantyne and Co.

James, M. R. (Montague Rhodes), 1862-1936

James S. Virtue (Firm)

Jennings, John M. (John Melville), 1918-

Jennings, Oscar

Jewett, Charles C. (Charles Coffin), 1816-1868

J. Hatchard and Son

J. Murray (Firm)

See: John Murray (Firm)

John Lane the Bodley Head

See: Bodley Head (Firm)

John Murray (Firm)

Joline, Adrian H. (Adrian Hoffman), 1850-1912

Jordan, Frederick Parker

Kahle, Brewster, 1960-

Kegan Paul & Co.

See: C. Kegan Paul & Co.

Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.

Kent and Co.

See: W. Kent and Co.

Kent, Henry Watson, 1866-1948

Kent, Watson

See: Kent, Henry Watson, 1866-1948

Kernahan, Coulson, 1858-1943

Knight, Charles, 1791-1873

Knopf, Inc.

See: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

Koch, Theodore Wesley, 1871-1941

Koopman, Harry Lyman, 1860-1937

Krause, Louise B. (Louise Beerstecher)

Lacroix, Paul

See: Jacob, P. L., 1806-1884

La Fontaine, Henri, 1854-1943

Lamb, George C. (George Chester), 1906-1939

Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912

Langbaine, Gerard, 1656-1692

Lara, D. Laurent de (David Laurent)

See: Laurent de Lara, D. (David)

Laurent de Lara, D. (David)

Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930

Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, Tenn.

Lawson, W. T. (William Thornton)

Leavitt, Frank M. (Frank Mitchell), 1865-1953

Lebert, Marie

Lee, Gerald Stanley, 1862-1944

Legler, Henry Eduard, 1861-1917

Legler, Henry M.

Lehmann-Nitsche, Robert, 1872-1938

Leloir, Maurice, 1853-1940

Leonard, R. M. (Robert Maynard)

Le Petit, Jules, 1845-1915

Lethaby, W. R. (William Richard), 1857-1931

Levetus, A. S. (Amelia Sarah)

Library of Congress

Library of Congress. Copyright Office

Library of Congress. Division of Bibliography

Lohf, Kenneth A., 1925-2002

Long Island Library Resources Council (N.Y.)

Long, Jex

See: Long, William A. R. Jex

Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans

Longmans, Green, and Co.

Long, William A. R. Jex

Lorck, Carl Berendt, 1814-1905

Louisville Free Public Library

Luttrell, Laura Elizabeth, 1872-1973

MacAlister, John Young Walker, Sir, 1856-1925

MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937

MacDonald, Ramsay

See: MacDonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937

Mackay, Thomas, 1849-1912

MacKellar, Thomas, 1812-1899

Macmillan & Co.

Macray, William Dunn, 1826-1916

Madan, Falconer, 1851-1935

Madison, James, 1870-1943

Marks, Harry F.

Mason, Thomas, 1857-1914

Matthews, Brander, 1852-1929

Maw, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward), 1873-1925

Mazel, Henri, 1864-1947

McClung, Calvin Morgan, 1855-1919

McDonald, Edward D.

Means, Raymond

Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956

Merryweather, F. Somner (Frederick Somner), 1827-1900

Messrs. Longmans, Green & Company

See: Longmans, Green, and Co.

Methuen & Co.

Middleton, Thomas C. (Thomas Cooke), 1842-1923

Milton, John, 1608-1674

M.J. Ivers & Co.

Moody, Katharine Twining, 1867-1950

Morang, George N. (George Nathaniel), 1866-1937

Morris, William, 1834-1896

Mortreuil, Th. (Théodore), 1850-1937

Moses, Montrose Jonas, 1878-1934

Mota, João Xavier da, 1850-1895

Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691

Murray (Firm)

See: John Murray (Firm)

Murray, James Augustus Henry, Sir, 1837-1915

Murray, John, 1778-1843

Newby, Gregory B.

Newdigate, Bernard H. (Bernard Henry), 1869-1944

Newton, A. Edward (Alfred Edward), 1864-1940

New York Public Library

New Zealand. General Assembly Library

New Zealand. National Library Service

Nichols, Frances S. (Frances Sellman), 1869-1967

Nicholson, James B. (James Bartram), 1820-1901

Nield, Jonathan, 1863-

Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell

See: W.P. Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell

Nodier, Charles, 1780-1844

Office international de bibliographie

See: International Institute of Bibliography

Oldenbourg, Friedrich, 1888-1941

Ontario. Department of Education

Open Court Publishing Company

Orcutt, William Dana, 1870-1953

Otlet, Paul, 1868-1944

Oxford University Press

Page, Walter Hines, 1855-1918

Palmer, A. N. (Austin Norman), 1859-1927

Panizzi, Anthony, Sir, 1797-1879

Parker, J. Gordon (James Gordon), 1869-1948

Parsons, Frank, 1854-1908

Partridge & Co. (London, England)

See: S. W. Partridge & Co. (London, England)

Patterson, Mabel

Pearson, Edmund Lester, 1880-1937

Pearson, Edwin

Pearson, Emily C. (Emily Clemens), 1818-1900

Penn, Arthur

See: Matthews, Brander, 1852-1929

Penniman, James Hosmer, 1860-1931

Perathoner, Marcello

Perret, P.-M. (Paul-Michel), 1861-1893

Peterson & Brothers

See: T.B. Peterson & Brothers (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Petit, Jules Le

See: Le Petit, Jules, 1845-1915


See: Gaines, Helen Fouché, 1888-1940

Picot, Emile, 1844-1918

Pierson, Emily Catharine

See: Pearson, Emily C. (Emily Clemens), 1818-1900

Pitman & Sons

See: Isaac Pitman & Sons

Pittsburgh. Carnegie Library

See: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Plomer, Henry R. (Henry Robert), 1856-1928

Pollard, Alfred W. (Alfred William), 1859-1944

Pollard, Alice

Porter, Dorothy

See: Wesley, Dorothy Porter, 1905-1995

Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972

Power, Effie, 1873-1969

Power, John, 1820-1872

Powys, John Cowper, 1872-1963

Pratt, Ida A. (Ida Augusta), 1872?-

Prideaux, S. T. (Sarah Treverbian), 1853-1933

Public Library of the City of Boston

See: Boston Public Library

Pulsifer, William Edmond, 1852-

Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930

Pym, Horace N.


See: Quiller-Couch, Arthur, 1863-1944

Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-1899

Quelle & Meyer (Leipzig)

Quiller-Couch, Arthur, 1863-1944

Quinn, John Henry, 1860-1941

Rangelovska, Lidija

Ranke-Graves, Robert von

See: Graves, Robert, 1895-1985

Rawlings, Gertrude Burford

Redway (Firm)

See: George Redway (Firm)

Reeder, Charles Wells, 1884-

Reed, Talbot Baines, 1852-1893

Reely, Mary Katharine, 1881-1959

Reeves & Turner

Religious Tract Society (Great Britain)

Rhoads, Samuel N. (Samuel Nicholson), 1862-1952

Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939

Richou, Gabriel, 1852-1915

Rich, Pauline H.

Roberts, S. C. (Sydney Castle), 1887-1966

Roberts, W. (William), 1862-1940

Robida, Albert, 1848-1926

Rodes, David Stuart

Rooke, Noel, 1881-

Rosenbach, A. S. W. (Abraham Simon Wolf), 1876-1952

Rothrock, Mary U. (Mary Utopia), 1890-1976

Roure, Auguste François Louis Du

See: Du Roure, Auguste François Louis Scipion de Grimoard Beauvoir, 1783-1858

Rouse, Parke, 1915-1997

Rusticus, Mercurius

See: Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 1776-1847

Sabin, Joseph, 1821-1881

Sadleir, Michael, 1888-1957

Sadler, Michael T. H. (Michael Thomas Harvey)

See: Sadleir, Michael, 1888-1957

Saint-Hilaire, Isidore Geoffroy

See: Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore, 1805-1861

Samford, C. Clement

Sanderson, Thomas James

See: Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. (Thomas James), 1840-1922

Saunders, Frederick, 1807-1902

Saunders (W. B.) Company, Philadelphia

See: W.B. Saunders Company

Savage, Ernest Albert, 1877-1966

Sayers, W. C. Berwick (William Charles Berwick), 1881-1960

Scavezze, Dan

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864

Scott, A. O. (Arthur Orange), 1882?-1946

Scott, Greenwood & Co.

Sessions, Barbara F.

Seymour-Jones, A. (Alfred), 1862-

Shaler, Joseph

See: Shaylor, Joseph, 1844-1923

Shay, Frank, 1888-1954

Shaylor, Joseph, 1844-1923

Sheehy, Eugene P. (Eugene Paul), 1922-2013

Shepherd, Richard Herne, 1842-1895

Shipman, Carolyn

Simonetta, Cicco, 1410-1480

Sinks, Perry Wayland

Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons

See: Isaac Pitman & Sons

Skeen, William, 1822?-1872

Sketchley, R. E. D. (Rose Esther Dorothea), 1875-

Slater, J. Herbert (John Herbert), 1854-1921

Slater, John Rothwell, 1872-1965

Slonim, Marc, 1894-1976

Small, Herbert

Smiles, Samuel, 1812-1904

Smith, Esther Anna, 1880-

Smith, J. Jay (John Jay), 1798-1881

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain)

Sonnenschein & Co.

See: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.

Soule, Charles C. (Charles Carroll), 1842-1913

Spofford, Ainsworth Rand, 1825-1908

Stam, David H., 1935-

Steinhofer, Károly

Stephen, Geo. A. (George Arthur), 1880-1934

Stewart, A. A. (Alexander A.)

Stiles, Gertrude

Stone, Wilbur Macey, 1862-1941

Swank, Alvin Garfield, 1874-

Swan Sonnenschein & Co.

Swem, E. G. (Earl Gregg), 1870-1965

Swift, Edward

See: Newton, A. Edward (Alfred Edward), 1864-1940

S. W. Partridge & Co. (London, England)

Taylor, Archer, 1890-1973

Taylor, E. A., 1874-1952

Taylor, Isaac, 1787-1865

T.B. Peterson & Brothers (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Teague, Walter Dorwin, 1883-1960

Teall, F. Horace (Francis Horace), 1850-

Teubner, B.G., firm, publishers

See: B.G. Teubner (Firm)

T. Fisher Unwin (Firm)

Thomas, Ernest Chester, 1850-1892

Ticknor and Company

Tinker, Chauncey Brewster, 1876-1963

Tinsley, Jim

Trent, A. G.

See: Garnett, Richard, 1835-1906

Trienens, Roger J.

Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company

United States. Congressional Printer

See: United States. Government Printing Office

United States. Copyright Office

See: Library of Congress. Copyright Office

United States. Government Printing Office

United States. Library of Congress. Division of Bibliography

See: Library of Congress. Division of Bibliography

United States. Public Printer

See: United States. Government Printing Office

Université de Paris. Faculté de théologie

University of California (1868-1952). Library

Unwin (Firm)

See: T. Fisher Unwin (Firm)

U.S. Government Printing Office

See: United States. Government Printing Office

Uzanne, Octave, 1851-1931

Vaknin, Samuel, 1961-

Vallery-Radot, René, 1853-1933

Van Name, Addison

Van Nostrand Company

See: D. Van Nostrand Company

Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964

Varazze, Jacopo da

See: Jacobus, de Voragine, 1229?-1298


Vattemare, Alexandre, 1796-1864

Vaughn, Samuel Jesse, 1877-

Vechten, Carl Van

See: Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964

Veldener, Johann, active 1473-1486

Vicaire, Georges, 1853-1921

Villeneuve, João, -1777

Vinne, Theodore Low de

See: De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914

Vinycomb, John

Virkkunen, Artturi H. (Artturi Heikki), 1864-1924

Virtue (Firm)

See: James S. Virtue (Firm)

Voragine, Jacobus de

See: Jacobus, de Voragine, 1229?-1298

Vostrovský-Čapek, Anna

See: Čapek, Anna V. (Anna Vostrovský), -1956

Walbridge, Earle Francis, 1896-1962

Walters, E. Walter, 1877-

Ward, Lock, & Tyler

Warner, William

Watson, John F. (John Fanning), 1779-1860

W.B. Saunders Company

Weeks, A. L. (Albert Loren), 1888-1963

Wegelin, Oscar, 1876-1970

Wesley, Dorothy Porter, 1905-1995

Wheatley, Henry B. (Henry Benjamin), 1838-1917

Whiteman, Edna

Whittaker & Co.

William Blackwood and Sons

Williams & Norgate

Williamson, F. J.

Wilson, Charles

Wilson, Daniel, Sir, 1816-1892

Wilson, J. O.

Wilson, John, 1826-

Wilson, Justina Leavitt, -1955

Wise, Thomas James, 1859-1937

W. Kent and Co.

Wolfe, Reginalde

See: Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 1776-1847

Woodberry, George Edward, 1855-1930

Worrall, John, -1771

Worth, Nicholas

See: Page, Walter Hines, 1855-1918

W.P. Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell

W. & R. Chambers Ltd.

Wright, Mabel Osgood, 1859-1934

W. Swan Sonnenschein & Co.

See: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.

Yachnin, Rissa

Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary), 1823-1901

Zaehnsdorf, Joseph William, 1853-1930