Books about Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
An Enchanted Garden: Fairy Stories Mrs. Molesworth 155 downloads
The Mail Carrier Harry Castlemon 155 downloads
The Story Without an End Friedrich Wilhelm Carové 154 downloads
The Madman and the Pirate R. M. Ballantyne 154 downloads
Der Struwwelpeter (German) Heinrich Hoffmann 154 downloads
Charlie Scott Unknown 154 downloads
Prince Vance: The Story of a Prince with a Court in His Box Arlo Bates and Eleanor Putnam 154 downloads
A Great Emergency and Other Tales Juliana Horatia Ewing 154 downloads
Rollo in the Woods Jacob Abbott 154 downloads
Tell Me a Story Mrs. Molesworth 153 downloads
The Lost Army Thomas Wallace Knox 152 downloads
Profiles Pansy and Mrs. C. M. Livingston 152 downloads
In Search of a Son William S. Walsh 152 downloads
The Story of a Needle A. L. O. E. 152 downloads
The gold thimble : A story for little folks Oliver Optic 152 downloads
Norman Vallery; or, How to Overcome Evil with Good William Henry Giles Kingston 151 downloads
The Hickory Limb Parker Fillmore 151 downloads
My Uncle Florimond Henry Harland 151 downloads
The Lady of the Forest: A Story for Girls L. T. Meade 151 downloads
The Little Black Princess: A True Tale of Life in the Never-Never Land Jeannie Gunn 151 downloads
Little Alfred L. A. Holdich 151 downloads
A Young Hero; Or, Fighting to Win Edward Sylvester Ellis 151 downloads
Rodney, the Overseer Harry Castlemon 150 downloads
The Man with the Pan-Pipes, and Other Stories Mrs. Molesworth 150 downloads
Proud and Lazy: A Story for Little Folks Oliver Optic 150 downloads