Books about Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Nest in the Honeysuckles, and other Stories 144 downloads
The Good Wolf Frances Hodgson Burnett 144 downloads
Left with a trust Nellie Hellis 143 downloads
Rodney, the Overseer Harry Castlemon 143 downloads
The Children of the Valley Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford 142 downloads
The Man with the Pan-Pipes, and Other Stories Mrs. Molesworth 142 downloads
Mamie's Watchword Joanna H. Mathews 142 downloads
The Tale of Tommy Fox Arthur Scott Bailey 142 downloads
Ida's new shoes Madeline Leslie 142 downloads
Just Gerry Christine Chaundler 142 downloads
The Little Black Princess: A True Tale of Life in the Never-Never Land Jeannie Gunn 141 downloads
Queer Stories for Boys and Girls Edward Eggleston 141 downloads
Ruth Arnold : or, The country cousin Lucy Byerley 141 downloads
The First Little Pet Book with Ten Short Stories in Words of Three and Four Letters Aunt Fanny 141 downloads
Tell Me a Story Mrs. Molesworth 141 downloads
Little Robins' Love One to Another Madeline Leslie 141 downloads
The Palace in the Garden Mrs. Molesworth 141 downloads
The little Barefoot : A tale Berthold Auerbach 141 downloads
Seven Little People and their Friends Horace Elisha Scudder 140 downloads
Percy Wynn : oder ein seltsames Kind der Neuen Welt. (German) Francis J. Finn 140 downloads
Little Susy's Little Servants E. Prentiss 140 downloads
Charlie Bell, The Waif of Elm Island Elijah Kellogg 140 downloads
The Lost Army Thomas Wallace Knox 140 downloads
Guy Harris, the Runaway Harry Castlemon 140 downloads
Little Miss Joy Emma Marshall 140 downloads